Friday, February 14, 2020

Ladership in customer service Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ladership in customer service - Article Example Leaders are flexible and adaptable unlike rules that are fixed and stiff. Leadership allows employees to be leaders for their customers in terms of decision making skills that makes customer feel more comfortable that benefits both customers and the company. Within the context of this paper is the role of leadership in customer service industry. What is takes to be a good leader and how it can benefit every stakeholder in return (Harris, 2002, p. 122). Leadership begins in oneself, to be an effective leader is to recognize oneself as a leader. A leader must be aware of own strength and weaknesses to be able to use these strengths as starting points and to overcome weaknesses. Identifying self strengths and weaknesses can provide a person self knowledge of leadership skills. A good leader is a change agent that entails changes that starts from oneself (Harris, 2002, p. 123). Also a good leader is confident and is open for criticism. Criticisms are analysed to change and become stronger as a leader (Harris, 2002, p. 124). There are several types of leaders. Formal leaders have the official authority of the position chosen by organization. Formal leaders may be formed through special trainings and have high accountability due to specific and defined responsibilities tasked upon the position. On the other hand informal leaders are an assumed role and have no official authority but have the ability to influence others. Informal leadership can affect formal leadership in an organization due to influence over people that can generate support or resistance within an organization. Both formal and informal leaders are essential in the success of customer service. Formal leaders can create a culture that empowers employees to serve as positive examples in the company performance. Informal leaders on the same context can create customer friendly culture, motivate co-workers, boost morale and can relate to co-workers in areas that a formal leader may

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Prepare an analysis of ethics in the 21st Century Essay

Prepare an analysis of ethics in the 21st Century - Essay Example It has been viewed that majority of the organizations value ethics for the purpose of attaining several significant benefits. The benefits may include enhancing the procedure of decision-making, improving profitability in the long-run, generating credibility and most importantly accomplishing a superior competitive position (Mahdavi, n.d.). In this discussion, the perception of ethics as well as its importance in the competitive financial market will be taken into concern. Additionally, a fundamental analysis of ethics in relation to 21st century will also be described in the discussion. Role of Ethics in 21st Century Ethics is known to play a decisive part in every business organization. It can be stated that an organizational structure related to the learning of business ethics is given increased importance. This is due to the reason that different roles as well as job descriptions which exist in a particular business organization might trigger some sorts of unethical behavior. It has been viewed that ethics broadly contributes to the organizations by assisting them to make effectual decisions which in turn enhances their productivity as well as profitability by a substantial level. By considering this factor, it can be stated that ethical behavior in organizations is majorly found to be occupying a central position in this era of 21st century. It not only affects the procedure of decision-making but also aids to develop the prevailing culture of organizations (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2009). It has been observed that the aspect of ethics has become a topmost priority for the business organizations in the era of 21st century. The organizations strongly believe that their technological advancements, organizational strategies as well as goals and values are considerably related to ethics. Moreover, the interrelation between the business leaders, customers, vendors and clients are supposed to get duly affected by ethics. In this regard it can be mentioned t hat the main intention of forming an ethical organizational background relates to the actuality of incessantly developing the relationships to avail significant benefits such as increased market share, business reputation and profitability. The organizations prioritize ethics because they realize that it is quite necessary for them to safeguard their business reputation and evade any sort of unfavorable media coverage. In the recent era i.e. in the 21st century, ethics is offered prime significance as it is regarded as a â€Å"values-based culture†. It has been observed that ethics is neither considered to be an alternative nor a comfort. It is simply an approach which emphasizes upon the competencies, intelligences and experiences of the members at all levels of an organization. According to various researches, it has been noted that there exists certain vital factors which contributes towards generating a values-based culture. The important factors include shared values, mo ral courage, commitment and common language (Brimmer, 2007). In relation to the factor of shared values, there are certain core values which can be observed in all the global cultures. The core values comprise honesty, compassion, accountability, fairness and respect. These vital core values act as a driving force which ultimately supports the organizations to formulate