Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Federal Reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Federal Reserve - Essay Example History, Structure, and Function The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson (Wells 2010). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries credit was controlled entirely by private banks. Farmers in the mid-western regions grew increasingly upset by this fact, as they complained that oftentimes the banks would alter their credit options at times when the farmers were vulnerable. The Federal Reserve was created as a compromise, with the banks still controlling credit, but the government determining the supply of funds (Wells 2010). While the intervening years have seen significant reforms in the way the Federal Reserve operates, its underlining function has remained the same. Private banks are able to borrow from the reserve at a discounted rate, they then loan this money to borrowers at the federal funds rate, or interest rate. As the Federal Reserve raises rates, so must the banks raise the rates of loans. This system is designed to ensure fair and equitable lending througho ut the country. The current chairman of the Federal Reserve, who was recently reappointed in January of 2010, and Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker preceded him (Johnson, Web). Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) The Federal Open Markets Committee is a branch of the Federal Reserve that has the responsibility of regulating the United States’ open market operations. While there are a great variety of committees and functions with the Federal Reserve, this committee perhaps is the most notable as it functions to make essential decisions about interest rates and the general growth of the supply of money within the country (Chandler 1971). These are factors that directly and significantly affect major aspects of the nation’s economy. In these regards, the FOMC is the primary monetary branch of the Unites States. The committee functions in a variety of complex, but well structured ways. In these regards, the committee meets and sets short-term objectives for long-term objec ts within a long-term structure of economic understanding. The short-term objectives work to ensure that the federal funds rate remains constant. In addition to regulating the federal funds rate, the Federal Open Markets Committee oversees operations that the Federal Reserve has overtaken abroad. They accomplish this task in close collaboration with the United States Treasury department. In terms of meeting structure, the FOMC is required by law to meet at least four-times per year, but generally they convene eight times annually (Chandler 1971). During the meetings, open reports are presented by committee members. The committee then works toward reaching a consensus in regards to policy decisions. During this entire process the Manager of the System Open Market Account oversees the policy presentations. What I Learned & My Point of View In research the Federal Reserve there was a great amount of structural and historical information I gained, but perhaps the greatest insights I gai ned were in regards to how the Federal Reserve functioned during the recent economic recession. When the recession hit the Federal Reserve began the process of lowering interests rates to increase consumer spending. At this point, the Fed has virtually lowered the interest rate to 0%. In addition to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Nursing Home Administrator Essay Example for Free

The Nursing Home Administrator Essay The Nursing Home Administrator is the head of operations at a nursing home. The position requires licensure to practice in a state. Individual states have different requirements for licensure but generally people have proof of adequate education, experience, experience of guidance under preceptor. The licensure examination requirements covers basic topics of nursing home administration with Master’s degree or Gerontology. The Administrator manages personnel, processing of admissions, manages finances, and overseeing day to (1). There are moral, educational, and work experience requirements to meet prior to meeting with Board of Examiners of nursing home administrators. The moral character and suitability for licensure is a reflection of the ability for the individual needed to fulfill the responsibilities of nursing home administrator, competency, and ethical values. The educational requirements include a Baccalaureate or higher level of education including supplemental educational credits in education for long-term care, health care, gerontology, and personnel management from an accredited educational program. The selected educational course is to be completed with acceptable grades from an accredited institution. The selected courses are to be completed within a certain period of time to be eligible to take Nursing Home Administrator licensure exam. To meet requirements coursework, a 300 level class or higher, predominantly rich with inpatient, health care, and nursing home as Master’s degree in Health Care Administrator, Health Facility Administrator requiring certain number of hours of field experience or work experience as full-time Administrator of Record in a certain period of time prior to licensure. The work experience requirements include completing a 12 months approved internship. The full-time experience must include predominantly supervisory role for resident care, be a financially compensated position, and completed in a certain period of time. There are alternatives to the credit hours courses in nursing home administration are two or more years within five years as Administration of Record of nursing facility, have a current five years American College of Health Care Administration certification (2). The licensure exam requirements for Nursing Home Administration are completion of the former requirements, a passing score on the exam approved by the Board. The role of a nursing home administrator encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities. People skills and effectively communicating, on various levels, delegating tasks, overseeing residents with the quality of life and social programs available, and being able to multitask can be a rewarding position.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Literature Review on Gender Inequality

Literature Review on Gender Inequality In Scott Sander’s essay, he shares some personal thoughts and experiences throughout his life with various exposures to viewpoints. He talks about how the physical beauty of women affects men. He talks about how important it could be if girls were to walk naked in order to reduce man’s imaginations. He proves this when he says, â€Å"Until that moment, it had never made any difference to me how much or little a girl’s clothing revealed.† Scott explains how both of them, with the friend Norman, they were warned against looking at women with such lust, because their mother were women too and they would not have liked to be stared at like that. At 11, the girl older than he was revealed her body stimulated the author sexually. Sanders defend men arguing that biology and nature plays a role in men’s sexual desires for women. He gives an example of a goat to explain how the desire is biological by stating, â€Å"Billy goats do not fret over how they should look at nanny goats. They look or don’t look, as seasons and hormones dictate.† For a man to secure the survival of his genetic line, he has to successfully, produce children. He blames biology and his DNA for the reason he desires women in a sexual way. The author exploits another avenue, where he questions whether women intrigue men’s desire because they want the men to see and notice them. Women should try to respect themselves before impressing other people with their looks. To defend his claim, Sanders says,† Whatever their motives, these women had chosen to put themselves on display.† According to Sander’s description of physically perfect women used in playboy’s magazine with no imperfections, is not true because not every woman has the perfect descriptions. This theory puts pressure on the other women lacking these qualities, making most of them begin revealing their body part to be noticed. Women therefore should be treated with dignity and not assumed to be sexual objects. However, in the new generation feminism would challenge Sander’s thinking, as most women tend to fight for equity with the men. Women should stop blaming men when they look at them with sexual motives, as the attraction always comes naturally. The natural sexual attraction occurs a lot in men and therefore, they should stop being so judgmental. Men are at the same time required to look at different women differently, given each woman is solely different from another. Therefore, men are not required to judge all the women with same standards. The growth of equity among men and women, challenges Sander’s argument of men using women as objects. Most women have stable and well-paying jobs and therefore do not find need to depend on men for material support. This has led to respect from men to women, because some of the women are their bosses and managers and therefore men have to respect them. Equitable provision of education has made many changes, and led to women being viewed as academicians and intellects and not by their sexuality. Women are concentrating on their jobs and projects and therefore, do not have time to impress men with the way they wear or by revealing their body parts. The women managers would have to wear official cloths that do not expose any part of the body. Competition between men and women over positions in organizations and institutions, has improved some level of respect to the women because they see them as equals. This has helped the women to know their place in the society. Stage 2 The article, Global Issues/Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, the article defines gender equality as a human right permitting women to opportunities such as economic, education and right to make their own decisions. Attainment of gender equality can be fulfilled when women are given enough opportunities to attain the potential, and the international development objectives. The article discusses gender parity in education and claims that the female gender is still given less opportunity as compared to the male ones. This can be proved from the article stating, â€Å"The higher percentage of school drop-outs includes more girls than boys.† The article continues in the discussion of gender equality in terms of economic and political power. The author compares women’s population in the world, almost half the total, with the worth of the wealth they own less than 5 percent. Some injustices done to them include; long working hours for both girls and women, lack of rights to own land or inherit property, in most of the African cultures, reduced rate of promotions to women at work places and underrepresented in making of important decisions in various institutions. A statement from the article, â€Å"Even though political participation of women is important for the achievement of gender quality and true democracy, they are still underrepresented in the legislatures† support this. These factors discussed in the article discover Sander’s discussion on how men use women as objects. (Global Issues/Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment) Another article by Tamara Cohen, â€Å"Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer intelligent women to beauty† shows the evolution of the current man from being interested in the physical attractions such as curvy figure, to preferring intelligent women. The author states by saying, â€Å"When a man steals an admiring gaze at a woman, then he has been notified of the woman’s intelligence.† The article states that previously men preferred curvy women meaning they had to be fertile to give him a family, other factors that men considered include women with wifely skills such as being good in cooking. The western societies has given opportunity to women, making both genders to be equal, this has led to women choosing their in terms of appearance and not material as it used to be. The author supports these arguments by stating, â€Å"Women are less concerned with men’s health as most of them are stable financially, and therefore the only they look in man is his looks.† (Cohen, 2012) The last article in this discussion is Ian Brown’s â€Å"Why men cant and shouldnt stop staring at women.† Similar to Sanders, Billy also provides a personal life experience, where he met a girl on a bicycle wearing a miniskirt on his way to work. Even though Billy acknowledges that the girl is young enough to be her daughter, he explains how the body of this girl and her intention to wear the miniskirt and her youth triggered his interest. He explains, â€Å"My first sight of her felt like a light blow to the chest.† The author reveals men secret of feeling guilty when they see something they like but fails to act immediately. He felt guilty for failing to tell her how he felt, even though he was married and had a daughter the age of this girl. The author wonders why the act of men watching girls was posed as a bad reputation, while all the girls he interacted with told him they had no problem even if their partners observed girls passing by. He tells of a 26-year old woman about the matter and gives him this answer, â€Å"Just looking, I dont think it is offensive. But I think i ts offensive if there are comments.† (Brown, 2012). Stage 3 Both stage 1 and 2 have discussed factors that lead to how men look at women. Sanders talks about how the physical beauty of women affect men how they look at them. He shares his personal life experiences from when he was 11 years old and could still be stimulated sexually by a girl older than he was. However, the articles, â€Å"Global Issues/Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment† and â€Å"Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer women with brains rather than beauty†, prove how facts have changed and the women have been empowered and realized their rights and position in the society, and therefore improve the respect from men. Men should respect women, and stop treating them as objects. When a man sees a woman, he should see something else in her and not sexuality. Women should cease from dressing in an exposing manner, for the men to notice them. They should observe moral and ethics in dressing. Works Cited Brown, I. (2012, March 23). Why men cant and shouldnt stop staring at women. THE GLOBE AND MAIL, pp. 1-3. Cohen, T. (2012, September 9). Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer women with brains rather than beauty. Mail Online, pp. 1-2. Global Issues/Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment. (n.d.). Peace Corps.

Friday, October 25, 2019

To Singapore with Love Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays

To Singapore with Love It was with sleepy eyes that I first got off the airplane and into the city of Singapore. All of a sudden, however, I was jolted awake. Colorful signs and exhibits flashed the words, "Welcome to Singapura!" At that moment, a thrill rushed through me. I had arrived in the City of the Lion, an exotic and mysterious city in the orient, about to start on an exciting journey of learning and adventure. From our first day of arrival, the delegates were treated with kindness and respect. I continued to be amazed by the organization's staff, whose members stayed up in the early hours of the morning to greet us, provide us transport from the airport to the Pasir Ris Resort, and then to check us in. Every day, the event coordinators made sure we were well-informed and cared for, attending to our each and every need. From the very onset we were introduced to our conference groups. Ensuring a diverse mix of students and teachers, I was pleased to find myself exposed to a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. The student and adult group leaders were amazingly friendly and organized. I was very impressed by their leadership abilit... ... that the 2nd APEC Youth Science Festival was a great success. Although there were aspects that could have been improved - like more leisure time, improved accommodations, and better food - the event was extremely well-balanced and beneficial. With a healthy mix of educational research, scientific discussion, cultural interaction, and fun, the overall experience was a success. When I boarded the plane to return to the United States, it was not without a feeling of regret and wistfulness. I knew I would miss beautiful Singapore, but I would also treasure the new memories and friends I had made.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fundamental Problems of Economic System Essay

Before we further move on we have to know about the sources of economic problems and a brief about the economic system. 1. 2. 1 Scarce Means and Unlimited Wants Want is Want is an effective desire for a thing, which can be satisfied by making an effort for obtaining it. We have unlimited wants and as one want gets satisfied another arises. For instance, one may have the desire to buy a car or a flat. Once the car or the flat is purchased, the person wishes to buy a more spacious and designable car and the list of his wants does not stop here but goes on one after another. As human wants are unlimited, we have to make a choice between the most urgent want and less urgent wants. Thus the problem of choice arises. Means also known as resources are limited. Means are the ways to derive the satisfaction of the various wants. For instance, money is an important means to satisfy many of our wants. As stated, means are scarce and as such these are to be used optimally. In other words scarce or limited means are to be judicially used and economized to get the maximum satisfaction. Another problem which is to be viewed is that resources have alternative uses i. e. the same resource can be used for more than one purpose. For example, money can be used either buying a laptop or a play station, all depends on how you perceive the urge of the desire or want you want to satisfy. 1. 2. 2 An Economic System or Economy The term economic system can be defined as a set of techniques by which a society decides and create balance between resources and unlimited human wants. It therefore clearly signifies that being a part of social system not only natural resources but also man made resources also get included in the economic system. The economic system thus comprises of people and institutions like banks, markets etc. The set of parameters thus used to determine the components of economic system is very dynamic and depends upon various factors like social, political, geographical and climatic etc. This shows that we can distinguish the two economies, no economy in the world will be same. The difference can be judged on the basis of control of the economy For Example: The economic system of the country can also be based on the basis of involvement of society, more involvement of society in the economy and the decision are taken with a view of society and equitable distribution of wealth is characteristic of Socialist Economy. Contrarily if the economy is decentralized and the power lies in the hands of private enterprises then the said economy is capitalist economy. Primarily the difference is done on the basis of the control but other things like growth, production of the economy can also be used to judge the economic scenario of the two economies, the production done in a fiscal year, purchasing power of the people and employment are primarily the factors considered. 1. 2. 3 Economic Agents Economic agents are the key units of the economic system, the whole economy revolves around them. Producers, consumers, institutions and various other bodies come under this category. The agents are considered to be the most critical part of the economy as they guide and drive the economy by their actions. Check your progress A 1. What is an economic system? Ans. Economic system or economy is known a set of principles by which problems of economics are addressed, such as the economic problem of scarcity through allocation of finite productive resources. The economic system thus comprises of people and institutions like banks, markets etc. . 3 FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Production process is an end to end activity which means that there is a relational pedagogy between input and output. Factors of production also known as productive inputs are the resources employed to produce goods and services, thus it constitutes the input part of the production process. Factors of production involve in the production process and improves the working of the process but do not form the ultimate part of the product. Factors of production can be broadly classified as: 1. Land . Labour 3. Capital 4. Entrepreneurship 1. 3. 1 Land In economics, land includes all natural resources which are free gift of nature. Thus, by land economists do not mean only agricultural soil, but also other natural resources such as minerals, water, climate and forests. Payment for use of land per period is called Rent. Land as factor of production implies the ground used to built and start the production moreover it serves as a pool of various minerals and valuable natural resources which facilitates the human mankind. Land is a fixed factor of production and thus it is not possible to increase. Land helps to facilitate the production only if the efficient workforce is used to generate the maximum output out of the limited resource. This means optimum utilisation of resources. 1. 3. 2 Labour Labour represents all physical and mental abilities which people can make available for production of goods and services. Labour is usually measured by the time spent in working during a period. Reward made per period of labour is called Wages. Labour is a non homogeneous factor of production. There are set of people in the underlying category which can be distinguished as skilled and unskilled worker. The workers that are skilled and educated are used in the operations of a more complex job requiring special skills and training and the other category belongs to the lower level working operations. The two factors which highlight the labour are efforts put in and performance which correlates the efficiency. The efforts put in by a labour can be modified with the motivational analysis that can help the person to make the worker work produce more. As land is the natural or passive factor in all production, so labour is the human or active factor. All the production results with the action of labour thus it can be said that labour is producer of all wealth. In economics the labour and capital is said to be the primary factors of production and from their union all of the production comes. 1. 3. 3 Capital Capital, which is not in itself a distinguishable element, but which it must always be kept in mind consists of wealth applied to the aid of labour in further production, is not a primary factor. There can be production without it, and there must have been production without it, or it could not in the first place have appeared. It is a secondary and compound factor, coming after and resulting from the union of labour and land in the production of wealth. Capital refers to man made resources of production. Labour plays an integral role in the capital formation, here too state of labour effects and relates with the capital formation an efficient worker will generate additional capital with additional production. Here the term investment arise which is the amount of capital formation in a year. The capital formation with a viewpoint of economy will include the accumulated part of the production process. The production is a continuous process and hence a halt can hamper the production in a big way, thus there is always some production in progress and some products add to the production of other products appreciating the value of the products will lead to the capital formation. 1. 3. 4 Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur represents a special human resource which provides his entrepreneurial abilities to the enterprise. Entrepreneur plays a crucial role in a free market economy it integrates all the factors of production land, labour and capital to produce the output with a view of anticipating all the losses if the output fails in the free market. Entrepreneur always is in the risky situation as he is the one who bears all d cost of inducing the other factors of production into the production process and the profits are the rewards of the entrepreneur at the end of everything. Nowadays Venture Capitalists and other financer are willing to diversify the risk of the new entrepreneur. The existence of the entrepreneurship as a part of factor of production is still debatable. Check Your Progress B 1. List the major factors of production? Ans. Major Factors of production are as follows: a. Land b. Labour c. Capital d. Entrepreneurship 1. 4 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF AN ECONOMY Every economy has to face some problems as scarcity of resources having alternative uses in relation to demand give rise to the choice problem. The allocation of resources is the fundamental problem of the economy. These Fundamental problems are: 1. What to produce? 2. How to produce? 3. For whom to produce? 4. The choice between current consumption and growth through saving and investment. 1. 4. 1 What to produce? This question arises from the fact of limited resources in the society now apparently society has to decide which goods have to be produced and in which quantities, now it is clear that some of the goods have to be produced and some have to be foregone. This lead us to take an intermediate solution of what we must produce and what we must not as the goods that are foregone also have some wants associated with it which leads some of the customers dissatisfied. Another problem attached with the production is allocation of resources like for example if we have to produce product A and product B, both of them will require the exhaustion of the resources, here the problem of allocation of resources comes into picture as to how much resources we must allocate to which product. This is necessarily not an issue of the developing countries as developed countries can also face the problem of allocation of resources. 1. 4. 2 How to Produce? This is the problem of choosing method or technique of production which means that what combinations of factors a society decides to produce goods. For example if the economy decides to produce product A then how the production will take place and allocation of resources has to be decided. A combination of factors in appropriate amount for the production is known as the technique of production. The things that come into consideration while taking the decision of how to allocate the factors and which factors to be used can be decided with the current economic scenario. For example in developing countries where there is abundance of labour and relatively lesser amount of capital there we can use Labour Intensive Technique for the production and similarly in developed countries where labour is relatively less and capital is more, then Capital Intensive Technique can be adopted for the production purposes. The basic criteria of choosing the different types of technique in the different kind of scenario would be based on 1. Availability of the supplies of resources 2. Prices of the different resources which must lead to most cost effective way of production. The problem here is that the scarcity of resources which requires that the available resources must be used judicially and efficiently, if not economy has to face the inefficiency and thus productivity will hamper. 1. 4. 3 For Whom to Produce? This is the problem related with the issue of the distribution of the national product among the society. Society is a very vast term and includes a lot of components and consumers which include the ultimate consumers of the national produce thus it is very critical to state an effective distribution strategy, society thus itself decides how much is to distributed in what quantities. In a free market economy it is the income of the individual which is the deciding factor that how much he can purchase out of the available resources, Higher the income higher is the power to utilise the resource in his favour. The distribution strategy is also not free to operate in the economy on the basic principles of demand and supply there are certain factors which governs the marketing mechanism like from socialist perspective focus is on the providing basic necessities to all and generate motivation in the people to generate additional income by doing additional work, Similarly there has o be different strategies to be adopted in case of different economic structure. The problem of distribution does not have an easy way out it implies that there is always conflict of ideologies in setting up of the distribution strategy. 1. 4. 4 The Problem of Growth Economic growth suggests that there is an increase in the production of goods and services on a continuous basis. Growth thus i mplies that the economy must move on with increase in the substantial amount of the investment. Capital formation is thus necessary and for the expansion of the stock there has to be a sacrifice in the present level of consumption. If all the stock is used up and nothing is there for the future use, there will be no capital formation and thus no growth. 1. 4. 5 Choice between Public and Private Goods 1. Public Goods: It is those types of goods that can not be restricted and bounded by the use of an individual. The basic characteristic of these types of goods are: a) Consumption of the good by one person does not lead to the reduction in the availability for the consumption of others. b) No body can not get excluded from using the good. Free to air television channels are the examples of these types of goods. These are the goods available to all and anybody can see without getting obstruction in a way these goods comes as a right to a person. These goods satisfy a collective want of the society. 2. Private Goods: These types of goods are the just opposite of what we have just read Public Goods. The main characteristics or the Private Goods are: a) Consumptions by one consumer prevent simultaneous consumption by other consumers. b) It is reasonably possible to prevent a class of  consumers from consuming the good. Private goods are produced and marketed with a perspective of profit and it just satisfies an individual want. Bread can be one of the examples of Private Goods. 1. 4. 6 The Problem of Merit Goods The merit goods are those goods which follow the concept of need, rather than ability and willingness to pay. For example: Health Services it helps the society on the whole and caters the need at individual level, but since it is a costly merit service the same has to be privatised which results in the acquisition of services only by those whom have the power to pay the more money. Thus Merit Goods merit remains effective till it helps the individual as well society on a holistic level. Check Your Progress C 1. What is capital formation? Ans. Capital formation is the term used to coin the additional things added into the economy on account of growth. Capital stock added in the financial year counts on account of capital formation when it comes to real and tangible products and in case of services the additional value generated by rendering services that appreciates the value of Gross National Product. 1. 5 PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY CURVE Production possibility curve is also known as Production Possibility Frontier or Transformation Curve. Production Possibility curve is a curve which depicts Graphical  representation  of the alternative combinations of the amounts of two goods or services that an economy can produce by transferring resources from one good or service to the other. As the total productive resources of the economy are limited, the economy has to choose between different goods. The resources can be put into different types of goods it is therefore necessary to decide which product to be produced more and which has to be less. Assumptions underlying: 1. Given or fixed amount of resources available in the economy. 2. Given resources are being used fully and with utmost efficiency. 3. Technology does not undergo any change. Production possibility curve can be drawn with the help of a schedule that can be depicted between the two goods which can be produced with the full utilisation and efficient employment of given resources. This can be drawn on the basis of schedule for example we take Cloth and Tanks. Production Possibilities| Cloth| Tanks| A| 0| 15| B| 1| 14| C| 2| 12| D| 3| 9| E| 4| 5| F| 5| 0| This schedule when depicted on a graphical format takes a convex shape and depicts the optimum number of combinations of the two products with the given level of resources in hand. 1. 6. 1 Resource Allocation in a Capitalist Economy Capitalism, broadly speaking, is the economic system in which financial considerations dominate. It is a system in which the quest for financial reward is the driving force shaping what is done, by whom, how, where and when. This concept basically works on two dimensions: freedom of economic choice and freedom of enterprise. Freedom of choice means that in a world of scarce resources the individual is free to make his own decisions. Freedom of enterprise is usually more narrowly defined as the freedom to own and operate a business. Price Mechanism plays an important role in the role of determining the process of buying and selling. Market forces determine the price and quantity to be produced in the economy with the interaction demand and supply. In such economy the goods and services produced in the society with the aim of generating profit and thus the resources are allocated to the goods which provide better results on account of profit. The biggest concern een and faced in this type of economy is of income inequality, due to the price mechanism and profit motive the goods are not supplied to the poor and the philosophy rich is become richer and poor becomes poorer prevails. 1. 6. 2 Resource Allocation in a Socialist Economy Socialist economy is a structure of the economy which aims at providing great er equality and giving the working class greater ownership over the means of production. In a socialist economy or a socialist state believes that socialism is the most equitable and socially serviceable form of an economic arrangement designed to achieve human potentialities. Socialist economies are characterized by the means of production owned by the state or by the workers collectively called socialism. The authorities decide in a planned economy how the resource must allocate in a profitable manner which benefits the society at large, market forces are not allowed to influence the decision at all. It is the government who takes control of all the resources and decides what to produce and in what quantities. They produce with the perspective of the society at large and not with the view of the earning profit. 1. 6. 3 Resource Allocation in a Mixed Economy A Mixed Economy is an economy in which the decisions are taken in the combined manner some is taken by the market forces and some are taken under government regulation. The mixed economy as an economic ideal is supported by social democrats as a compromise between classic socialism. The production process is governed in a semi segregated manner, Critical sectors which are important with respect to the country as a whole is kept in hands of the government and rest consumer goods are kept open in the economy to kept work accordingly to the market mechanism. Check Your Progress D 1. What is production possibility curve? Ans. Production Possibility curve also known as Production Possibility Frontier is a curve which shows the combination of two or more goods or services that can be produced while using all the available factor resources efficiently. For Example: We can allocate the resources in the production of the cloths and tank. 1. 7. LETS SUM UP Knowledge has many branches and economics is an important and useful branch of knowledge because problems of poverty, unemployment, lack of growth, inflation which face all economies are best explained and explored and being solved with the help of Economics. An economic system can be defined as a â€Å"set of methods and standards by which a society decides and organizes the allocation of limited economic resource to satisfy unlimited human wants. The precise nature of economic system varies from society to society. Because , Economic system is the economics category that includes the study of respective systems. Means of production are the inputs used for production. The key term production is likely to be explained as the creation of an item or a production that gives maximum satisfaction to the people. Means of production can be classified into groups of homogenous (products having same features and can be substituted) and heterogeneous (products having different features from one another) units. There are various types of productive resources which are also generally called factors of production. Economists traditionally classify productive resources into four types: (a) Land – Includes all natural resources which are free gift of nature. Payment for use of land per period is called rent. b) Labour – Represents all physical and mental abilities which people can make available for production of goods and services. Reward made per period for labour services is called wages. (c) Capital – Refers to sum total of all man – made resources of production. Its formation in a year is called investment. (d) Entrepreneur – represents special human resource which initiates and organises the production process by combining other resources such as labour, capit al and land. In every economy, scarcity of resources gives rise to four fundamental problems of economy. These are: (i) what to produce – means which goods and in what quantity are to be produced, (ii) how to produce – means which methods of production are to be used for the production of goods and services, whether, labour or capital intensive, (iii) for whom to produce – means how the goods produced are to be distributed among the people, (iv) how much to grow – means how much to be saved and invested for increasing the productive capacity of the economy. The problem of what to produce is generally illustrated with the help of Production Possibility Curve (PPC) which is based on some simple assumptions. It gives an idea to the economy about what to produce and in how much quantity with full utilisation of its resources with given techniques of production and thus simultaneous increase in production cannot take place without reducing any one product. With economic growth only, it is possible to move PPC outwards and make simulataneous increase in production of all goods. Allocation of resources is different in every economic system. In capitalist economy, it takes place through relation between supply, demand and price forces wherein the means of production are owned by private sectors. Accordingly, it is the demand pattern in the economy which finally determines the resource allocation. In a socialist economy, the means of production are owned by government which tries to reduce income and wealth inequalities. Individual economic units are restricted in their decisions on the basis of economic rationality. In a mixed economy, both individual economic units and authorities take part in decision making process where even private sectors sometimes work under the government regulations such as price controls, subsidies and so on.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Worked, Wrought and Overwrought

Worked, Wrought and Overwrought Worked, Wrought and Overwrought Worked, Wrought and Overwrought By Maeve Maddox Judging by comments and emails I receive whenever I write about the verb wreak, some English speakers believe that the past tense of wreak is wrought. That’s not the case. Wrought is an archaic past tense form of the verb work. Work and wreak derive from different Old English verbs: wyrcan (do, make) and wrecan (to avenge). Both work and wreak belong to a class of irregular verbs that have acquired regular -ed endings in modern English. If wreak had remained irregular, its forms would probably look like these: â€Å"wreak, wroke, (have) wroken.† The verb work has a modern -ed ending, but the old past tense wrought survives in a few contexts and idioms. Writing in the early 20th century, H. W. Fowler (Modern English Usage) commented on the fact that the past form of work was in a state of transition: The decline of the form wrought is so manifest, yet so far from complete, that it is impossible to say from year to year where idiom still requires it and where it is already archaic. In the 1965 edition, Gowers, changed â€Å"disappearance† to â€Å"decline,† perhaps because the old form continued to be used in the sense of done, made, fashioned, or brought about: The stage show is tight and well-wrought.- 1997 book about Jazz. The metaphorical movement of coming into that understanding is beautifully wrought with the use of a large black drapery that the congregation passes beneath as four of the dancers hold the corners.- 2013 opera review To see the changes Edward Snowden wrought, just look at your smartphone- 2014 headline. The reason that many speakers associate wrought with wreak may have to do with the fact that we have two idioms with the word havoc. A storm or other disaster â€Å"wreaks havoc,† but people and institutions can â€Å"work havoc.† The â€Å"works havoc† idiom is not as common as it was, but it is still found in recent use: Disability is damaging to one’s self-esteem. It works havoc with one’s relationships and can do irrevocable harm to an entire family’s life.- 1991 Congressional Record. In actual fact, the volume of such movements is fairly modest, but their public echo is deafening and works havoc in politics and the labour movement. 2006, Library of Economics and Liberty. It is as the past tense of work that wrought appears in an obituary of Margaret Thatcher: Saying it would take years to cure Britain of the havoc wrought by socialism, Mrs. Thatcher warned, â€Å"Things will get worse before they get better.† The adjective overwrought, on the other hand, does not mean the same thing as the adjective overworked. An â€Å"overworked employee† is one who does an excessive amount of work. Overworked can also be applied to nonhuman things to mean that they are being used to excess: †Unique† is one of the most overworked words in advertising. The phrase people are our most important resource has become a tired,  overworked cliche.   Gently massage overworked muscles, prompting nutrient-rich blood to flow through, replenishing them. The adjective overwrought can convey a sense of exhaustion from overwork, but overwrought describes the emotional agitation, impatience, and shortness of temper associated with exhaustion: According to a government survey, US workers feel overwrought and unproductive. The [employee] may be subject to verbal abuse by juveniles and will be required to remain calm in stressful situations involving agitated, irate or overwrought juveniles and family members. When AU administrator James Mooney polled professors about grade complaints, he was appalled to learn that some overwrought parents call professors directly to complain.   Applied to nonhuman entities, overwrought means â€Å"excessively elaborate or exaggerated.† Here are some examples of this use: [The instructor’s] supervisors at first supposed his overwrought language denoted a mental affliction. Overwrought descriptions  like these sap the power from the scene. The film  suffers  from an  overwrought narrative, with one melodramatic event after another. After a thousand years, wrought continues to enrich the language. It is not, however, the past tense of wreak. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two PeopleThe Many Forms of the Verb TO BEEpidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Immpressionists at Argenteuil essays

The Immpressionists at Argenteuil essays Argenteuil is a suburban town on the outskirts of Paris. The riverside town lies on the banks of the beloved Seine River, immortalized in many works by Claude Monet and Eugene Boudin. They are just two of the many Impressionist artists inspired by the scenery of Argenteuil. The short seven-mile train trip from Paris also contributed in getting artists to the location. Argenteuil is not different than that of other smaller French cities, yet the contribution Argenteuil made to the evolution of modern French painting sets it apart from neighboring villages. Monet and Boudin both painted very similar scenes of the small river town. Monet in particular painted a less classical piece than Boudin. Many critics have labeled Monets Boat Basin at Argeteuil markedly modern because of evidence of industry and progress, steamers, and the likes of a floating bathhouse, which by the way is visible in Boudins painting too. As if intuitively beginning where Boudin left off, Monet is drawn to a similar turn in the river where all the delights of the suburban setting are set out under a brilliantly rendered sky. On the account that Monet inherited a lot of style from Boudin through his teachings its not a surprise that they both were drawn to Argenteuil. Monets work is displayed beautifully with oil on canvas. The work was completed in the year 1872. A critique of the piece was undoubtedly done with much forethought and care. Emanuel Zola, a critic wrote with much consideration for the artists intent. Zola states that Monet had and affection for nature that man makes modern. Also that very often he would use a brush heavily laden with paint to give his works a different appearance. Boat Basin at Argeteuil is subtly divided along two diagonals intersecting at the center of the piece. One diagonal is the tree line from the left and the other is the waters edge rising from the lower right. The cen...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

When A Man Loves A Woman

Alcoholism is a serious disease often overlooked by those whom love us the most. In the movie When A Man Loves A Woman, Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia show us how a wonderful love story can be corrupted by an overwhelming addiction. The movie begins with this wonderful couple who soak themselves in their love. You immediately notice the habits of Meg Ryan, from the very first scene. Although it appears that they are just having a good time, the issues begin to become more than Andy Garicia (meg's husband) can handle. Her problem becomes out-of-hand when it effects her work, family and friends. She forgets things, acts irresponsible, abuses her children and then has a hash bought of abusing her self. She in turn decides to go through rehab. Ryan has as supportive of a family as possible. Hoping and praying that everything would return to normal, this family will not require a lot of adjusting. Although she is no longer drinking she now has to find a different life style than the one she had been used to. No longer does Ryan view things with the same eyes. She struggles with all the issues that come along with her new sobriety. Finding a new common ground for this family so almost impossible. Once Ryan finds closure in herself and learns to deal with her changed lifestyle she now has the strength to regain what she had been losing. It is so emotional watching this happy family become ripped apart and then to here even more tragic stories of things we did not see. The family was not really happy. The person in which they loved was falling apart on the inside. When A Man Loves A Woman, is the type of movie that can hit home with someone at many different points. You can feel for the side or the alcoholic or for those who suffer around them. This was a brilliantly made movie. It depicts the feeling of everyone in the situation so well. It is an excellent movie that tells a difficult story.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is Utilitarianism What are two objections to this view Essay

What is Utilitarianism What are two objections to this view - Essay Example The man behind the Utilitarian concept is Jeremy Bentham and he weighed pleasure and pain as the consequence of one’s own action. More precisely, Utilitarianism refers to a concept where in the proportion of pleasure and pain is related to the course of action performed by a human being. According to this concept, only pleasure is good and pain is bad. The Utilitarianism concept can be considered as one kind of consequentialism, where the happiness is considered as the measuring tool to gauge the morality of an action. According to Bentham, only an action can be morally right if it brings utmost happiness to a person. If it is not bringing pleasure then the action is regarded to be wrong. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which focuses on right and wrong based on an outcome of an action or a policy. This theory is not restricted around the interest of oneself but consider the goodness of other too. One of the principles of utilitarianism is that it gives high importance to t he role of pleasure and pain in our life. Secondly, it considers an action good or bad based on its consequences. Thirdly, this theory equates goodness with pleasure and bad with pain. Thirdly, it acknowledges pleasure and pain as a quantifiable emotion. Bentham has also attached some criteria to measure pain and pleasure like intensity, certainty, nearness and duration. Moreover, the criterion of â€Å"extent† is used to quantify the actions which affect many numbers of people. Objections to Utilitarianism Objection One: The one objection to Utilitarianism is that, life is not all about physical pleasure but the aspects like virtue, knowledge matters too. Is life a phenomenon, where action can be gauged with pleasure and pain seeking emotional element? Is it not core valuable principle of ethics and morality the corner stone of life? It is satirical to think that one achieves physical pleasure by conducting ethical and moral principles in life. Physical pleasure cannot be re garded as an end to the mission of life. Moreover, virtue is accountable only if one performs selfless service which in turn is not a pleasure giving affect. Additionally, knowledge is acquired through pleasure but by hard work and by undergoing painful experiences. Here utilitarian concept cannot be applied as the objection proves that gains from pain taking experience are far more valuable than actions which give only momentary physical pleasure. Response: The response to the first objection is that, life should not be only concentrated and focused on physical pleasures. The aspect like virtue and knowledge matters a lot when it comes to the issue of psychological pleasures of a human being. If a person has knowledge and good character he can gain self confidence and self realization which is far more superior to physical pleasure. . A man’s life should very well reflect morality, modesty and sacrifice. These elements might not give pleasure to a person, but they indeed pro ve his character to be valuable and divine. Moreover, acquiring knowledge requires hard work and the benefit of being knowledgeable is that one acquires wisdom. To acquire wisdom, one must go through various experiences in life and these actions are mostly less pleasure giving. For example, Socrates was a great Greek philosopher, who led an extremely simple life. He Life was not at all luxurious but his knowledge and virtue was par excellence. He never committed any action to achieve happiness but followed justice and morality. He experienced real mental happiness in practicing virtue and ethics but did not opt for physical pleasure as he defined senses as illusionary. Objection Two: Another objection is that,

Friday, October 18, 2019

What Is Meant By Smart Power And How Does Its Application By The Obama Essay

What Is Meant By Smart Power And How Does Its Application By The Obama Administration Differ From The Use Of Hard Power By The Bush Administration - Essay Example These terms are descriptions of the way that American governments deal with other states, especially those states which do not agree with American views. Hard power is the use of forceful tactics such as military actions or economic sanctions. It shows how strong America is, and imposes American views on other people. If the other countries involved are weak, then this can be very effective and President Bush used this kind of approach at the beginning of his first term of office. The invasion of Iraq is a classic example of hard power at work. This tough line was also an important part of President Bush’s election campaign in 2004: â€Å"the Bush administration achieved a greater advantage over Democrats in general and Senator John Kerry in particular on this issue than on any other in the 2004 presidential race.† (Campbell and O’Hanlon: 2006, p. 119) After the 9/11 attack on New York, it was possible to present hard power as a defence tool, not necessarily an a ct of aggression. This made it more acceptable to the American public. Sometimes, however, the opposite of hard power, i.e. soft power is a better approach. People know that America is strong, but they might be more impressed by gentle approaches like aid and support, with diplomatic summits and exchanges of views. America’s culture and image are also aspects of soft power.

Formation of the kindom of saudi arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Formation of the kindom of saudi arabia - Essay Example These historical compliments can be but are not limited to the formation of the nation, outside influences that impacted upon this formation, foreign-policy decisions, and the way in which governance has come to be institutionalized and defined. As a function of this level of understanding, this particular analysis will first focus upon a brief history of the formation of Saudi Arabia; concentric upon leadership struggles, directional focus, conquests and subjugation. Similarly, an analysis will be made with regards to the current governmental structure that exists within Saudi Arabia. As such, a discussion of foreign-policy that utilizes the situation of how a sign with regards to how the United States and Saudi Arabia sought to accomplish different goals via the use of diplomacy and other foreign-policy instruments. One cannot begin to understand the nation of Saudi Arabia without first underscoring the importance that Abdulaziz had in creating it. Born in the year 1876 in Riyadh, now capital of Saudi Arabia, he and his family were soon forced to flee Riyadh due to the fact that a powerful tribe named the Al Rashi, a warlord from the Najd tribe, attacked and drove them to the desert town of Al-Murrah; a Bedouin tribe that exists in the very far southern deserts of Saudi Arabia. Only 15 at the time, this experience had a profound and lasting effect on Abdulaziz. Though he was not King at this time, this formative experience in the fact that he had been forced to move from his homeland provided for the impetus that he would later utilize as a means of devouring his studies. While living in the southern deserts of Saudi Arabia, he and his family were able to generate income by forming raiding parties and attacking the tribe that initially drove them from their home. These raids turned out to be rather lucrative and more and more raiders began joining the parties. Although Abdulaziz was still in his teens at this time, this understanding of the power of statecraf t and the means by which organization could affect one’s goals proves to be quite powerful. Soon thereafter, the family moved to Kuwait. It was in Kuwait that Abdulaziz’s formal education began. While there, he studied under the emir Mubarak Al-Sabah. During this time, his studies focused specifically on statecraft in the way in which nations performed, organized and how choices were made. However, perhaps the most defining moment in Abdulaziz life was in the year 1901. This was the year in which he and his half-brother, Mohammed, went back into Saudi Arabia and began organizing further raiding expeditions against Rashid and the Najd. Again, these raids proved effective, and Rashid and the tribes that were loyal to him continued to fall back under the mounting pressures that Abdulaziz placed upon them. With such an understanding, the fateful decision was made in January 1902 that Abdulaziz would attack Riyadh and take back his home. The raid was an astounding success w ith Abdulaziz only using 40 men in order to scale the walls, kill the governor, and exert new leadership over the city. This attack marks the beginning of what became known as the Third Saudi State. Although the capture of Riyadh was an important step in exhibiting control over all of Saudi Arabia, it was nonetheless only the first step. However as a

How Dogmatism, Rationalism, and Relativism Affect Ethical Thinking Essay

How Dogmatism, Rationalism, and Relativism Affect Ethical Thinking - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that dogmatism, as it can easily be understood from the name, stands for an approach according to which ethical thinking of a person is heavily influenced by dogma which is a predetermined set of idea that one is not able to change in any way. In other words, dogmatism provides a person with answers to a wide range of question and does not require one to critically examine each case. It is quite obvious that under these conditions a person can hardly experience any freedom in the course of ethical analysis of a situation. Contrary to the above-mentioned approach, rationalism urges a person to actively participate in the critical examination of the issues and claims that reason is the only viable way to verify the acquired knowledge. In other words, people are encouraged to use their mind to find answers to the questions with the help of their own reasoning. Thus, the biggest difference between the two approaches that were discussed so far might be exemplified in the following comparison: a person guided by dogmatism is similar to a train who follows the rails (dogma), while one who is guided by rationalism resembles a car which can go in multiple directions as long as the steering wheel (reasoning) is being turned. Finally, there is another approach which is different from the above mentioned too. It is called relativism and, as one can guess for the term, suggests that ethical thinking should be engaged rigid categories of right and wrong, but argues that the same action might be viewed in the different light according to circumstances. Continuing the comparison made in the previous paragraph a person who is guided by relativism travels on foot which means that one is able to visit territories which are out of reach of a vehicle and is not limited in one’s movements in any way since there is not seen to follow any rules.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Artificial Nigger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Artificial Nigger - Essay Example Their trip was filled with conversations, with each grandfather and grandson asserting his wisdom. One point in particular that the child said is, the trip is his second, the first being when he was still a baby. Moreover, he insisted that he would know what a nigger looked like once he saw one because he was born in a city where they abound. The old man said he could not have known any of what he was talking about because he did not have the intelligence then and the boy got his first test on the train when Mr. Head asked what kind of man was the one who passed them by. When he did not get the answer he was expecting, he pointed out to the boy what he previously said, that he would be able to know a nigger when he sees one but then he proved not to be able to do so. When they got off the train, the old man who looked at himself as a sage who is supposed to fill the mind of the young boy with learning soon discovered he also had a lot to learn. Nelson in turn learned the lessons his grandfather authored for him and more and therefore decided not to go back to the city. The aforementioned circumstances came about due to an instance wherein the boy was placed in a dilemma when he hurt a woman who was carrying some groceries when he went frantic looking for his grandfather who left him at a distance, trying â€Å"to teach him a lesson†. When Mr. Head was threatened by the women who were trying to seek justice from the accident his grandson caused, he denied that he knew the boy. Nelson, who looked up to him as a savior at such a dire situation was angry that his own grandfather would disown him. When the two continued to find their way to train station, the old man learned how it felt to need mercy and forgiveness because this was still the first time he had ever failed his grandson. Nelson in turn learned how he needed his grandfather. The story is meant to show how an educator needs to be educated as well. The grandfather does not just represent old age b ut also wisdom which should be gained through years of experience. Mr. Head knows that his grandson should learn many things about his birthplace and decides to make him experience how it is to live in the city. His intention is to make Nelson see that there is nothing to boast about in being born in the city so just as he gained wisdom through experience he contemplates that the best way to open the eyes of the young boy is to let him experience a day in the city. Although Mr. Head only meant the trip for the learning of the boy, he is to find out that there is also a lesson waiting for him. The grandfather, being an old man, always thought he is better than his grandson and when they got lost, he still was too prideful to admit his mistakes. He insists on concentrating in teaching Nelson that the place they are in is where he was born and that there is nothing good about it that he should be proud of. When the two realize that they left their lunch at the train, the boy blames his grandfather of getting them lost and leaving their food. However, instead of admitting his lack of judgment, the old man tried to blame things back to the young boy. The old man is too proud to stoop down and admit his mistakes to his young grandson. On the other hand, the young boy learns little by little

Summary of Empire as a Way of Life Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary of Empire as a Way of Life - Assignment Example As a means of understanding such a concept from an economic standpoint, the author details how the United States has used its power of empire through the decades as a means of extracting valuable raw materials from less powerful nations and nations under its ultimate influence. However, the extraction of cheap raw materials in and of itself is not enough to understand the full extent of how empire affects the nation. Appleman notes that the ultimate reflection of economic power defined from empire is the way that the nation acts towards the markets with which it seeks to sell its goods. This of course can be seen in the way the United States has behaved historically and even currently.Similarly, the article goes on to discuss the way that empire fundamentally affects the world view of the citizens of the imperial power. Naturally, this is done in a number of ways. The author discusses the role that media and specifically television can play in helping to create what is ultimately a t ype of alter-reality in which the citizen lives; fully believing that all of the benefits of freedom, low cost consumer goods, and a litany of other factors are merely the result of good fortune and a good model of governance rather than the direct byproducts of a powerful.From an analysis of the article and a consideration of its main topics and discussion, it has been understood by this reviewer that the author has perfectly described the system as it has and continues to exist within the United States. Although it may not be comfortable to think of the extravagance, cheap goods, and ultimate freedom that the American lifestyle engenders within the context of imperial conquest and prowess, the fact of the matter is that there is no more appropriate way to view the system. Moreover, a greater understanding of the determinants to American power as well as the prime motivation and constructs for the culture as it has grown and continues to develop does not exist. In this particular w ay, the given piece has helped to open the eyes of this author with regards to the full level and extent to which the concept and applications of empire affect nearly each and every aspect of both material and cultural/societal life within the United States. Similarly, another powerful argument that the author raises is with regards to the way in which American imperialism did not ultimately start with the Mexican American War as so many others historians and political scientists have pointed to. Rather, it has been within the very fiber of the American consciousness since first settlement took place. This is an important construct due to the fact that the reader should note that such a concept ties in directly with the idea of conquest and domination of the territory. Manifest Destiny, the American Civil War, the attacks on the Barbary Coast, and the forcible opening of Japan by Admiral Perry all fall into place and make a much clearer and complete sense to the reader within the context of such an understanding. In this way, the author truly interjects a level of analysis in seeking to detail

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How Dogmatism, Rationalism, and Relativism Affect Ethical Thinking Essay

How Dogmatism, Rationalism, and Relativism Affect Ethical Thinking - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that dogmatism, as it can easily be understood from the name, stands for an approach according to which ethical thinking of a person is heavily influenced by dogma which is a predetermined set of idea that one is not able to change in any way. In other words, dogmatism provides a person with answers to a wide range of question and does not require one to critically examine each case. It is quite obvious that under these conditions a person can hardly experience any freedom in the course of ethical analysis of a situation. Contrary to the above-mentioned approach, rationalism urges a person to actively participate in the critical examination of the issues and claims that reason is the only viable way to verify the acquired knowledge. In other words, people are encouraged to use their mind to find answers to the questions with the help of their own reasoning. Thus, the biggest difference between the two approaches that were discussed so far might be exemplified in the following comparison: a person guided by dogmatism is similar to a train who follows the rails (dogma), while one who is guided by rationalism resembles a car which can go in multiple directions as long as the steering wheel (reasoning) is being turned. Finally, there is another approach which is different from the above mentioned too. It is called relativism and, as one can guess for the term, suggests that ethical thinking should be engaged rigid categories of right and wrong, but argues that the same action might be viewed in the different light according to circumstances. Continuing the comparison made in the previous paragraph a person who is guided by relativism travels on foot which means that one is able to visit territories which are out of reach of a vehicle and is not limited in one’s movements in any way since there is not seen to follow any rules.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summary of Empire as a Way of Life Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary of Empire as a Way of Life - Assignment Example As a means of understanding such a concept from an economic standpoint, the author details how the United States has used its power of empire through the decades as a means of extracting valuable raw materials from less powerful nations and nations under its ultimate influence. However, the extraction of cheap raw materials in and of itself is not enough to understand the full extent of how empire affects the nation. Appleman notes that the ultimate reflection of economic power defined from empire is the way that the nation acts towards the markets with which it seeks to sell its goods. This of course can be seen in the way the United States has behaved historically and even currently.Similarly, the article goes on to discuss the way that empire fundamentally affects the world view of the citizens of the imperial power. Naturally, this is done in a number of ways. The author discusses the role that media and specifically television can play in helping to create what is ultimately a t ype of alter-reality in which the citizen lives; fully believing that all of the benefits of freedom, low cost consumer goods, and a litany of other factors are merely the result of good fortune and a good model of governance rather than the direct byproducts of a powerful.From an analysis of the article and a consideration of its main topics and discussion, it has been understood by this reviewer that the author has perfectly described the system as it has and continues to exist within the United States. Although it may not be comfortable to think of the extravagance, cheap goods, and ultimate freedom that the American lifestyle engenders within the context of imperial conquest and prowess, the fact of the matter is that there is no more appropriate way to view the system. Moreover, a greater understanding of the determinants to American power as well as the prime motivation and constructs for the culture as it has grown and continues to develop does not exist. In this particular w ay, the given piece has helped to open the eyes of this author with regards to the full level and extent to which the concept and applications of empire affect nearly each and every aspect of both material and cultural/societal life within the United States. Similarly, another powerful argument that the author raises is with regards to the way in which American imperialism did not ultimately start with the Mexican American War as so many others historians and political scientists have pointed to. Rather, it has been within the very fiber of the American consciousness since first settlement took place. This is an important construct due to the fact that the reader should note that such a concept ties in directly with the idea of conquest and domination of the territory. Manifest Destiny, the American Civil War, the attacks on the Barbary Coast, and the forcible opening of Japan by Admiral Perry all fall into place and make a much clearer and complete sense to the reader within the context of such an understanding. In this way, the author truly interjects a level of analysis in seeking to detail

High performance Essay Example for Free

High performance Essay Conclusion: There are 3 different component dyes in the mix including blue dye, yellow dye and red dye. The blue dye has the highest Rf in chromatography ( Rf=1 in water and ethanol and isoprophy alcohol). The yellow dye has the lowest Rf in chromatography in ethanol and isoprophy alcohol and middle Rf in water (Rf=0.17 and isoprophy alcohol and lowest Rf in water (Rf=0.816 in ethanol, Rf= 0.678 in water and Rf=0.680 in isoprophy alcohol). Real World Connection HPLC-MS stands for High performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. HPLC-MS shares the same principle with paper chromatography. They both separate mixture using the difference in different affinities to mobile/stationary phase of different components. However, HPLC-MC is far different from paper chromatography. Firstly, HPLC-MC is composed of a liquid chromatography and a mass spectrometer. This instrumentation enables HPLC-MC to analyze a much wider range of components. While paper chromatography only qualitatively separate different component in a liquid mixture, HPLC-MS can quantitatively examine each component, including Compounds that are thermally labile, exhibit high polarity or have a high molecular mass. Secondly, paper chromatography use solvent as mobile phase and paper as stationary phase, but in HPLC-MS the mobile phase is the mixture of liquid and the stationary phase is the solid through which liquid flow. Thirdly, paper chromatography can be carried out at normal temperature and pressure, but HPLC-MS sometimes needs to be done under high pressure and certain temperature to successfully drive the liquid through the solid and best demonstrate the difference in affinities of different liquid compound.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reflective Essay: Reflexivity and Bias in Research

Reflective Essay: Reflexivity and Bias in Research Entry No. 1: January 26, 2015, 8:15 pm My Role as a Researcher I approach the challenge of research in the doctoral level with some degree of apprehension as well as excitement. I have been in the field of business for more or less than a decade now, working in customer service management, so I can appreciate the importance of doing research especially in gauging customer satisfaction and determining how to leverage this to improve the companys competitive advantage. Ensuring customer satisfaction entails several factors. Nowadays, much of the world is hinged on the maximizing technology in order to provide information and choices for customers. Due to the saturation of the Internet nowadays, users are shifting in millions from their laptops to their smartphones. The smartphone is now the site of communication, decision-making, research, shopping, and purchasing. This has altered the way businesses do things. In a very urgent way, it pressures companies to be responsive to customers needs in a real-time manner. Mobile CRM is a novel way of handling customer relations. Using only their mobile devices like smartphones or tables, employees can now retrieve customer information and customer accounts remotely. Where previously, they relied on a laptop to do their work, mobile CRM achieves the same results in an efficient and convenient manner. The question now is how I consider myself or my role as a researcher in the doctorate research I plan to pursue. First, the novelty of mobile CRM and the lack of research in this area is what motivated me to choose this as the research topic. My research is about mobile customer relationship management (CRM) and how it influences customer satisfaction and competitive advantage in the context of Samsung in United Arab of Emirates. Second, I have a wealth of experience in customer relations and have been with Samsung for many years. Hughest and Tight (2013) suggest that a researchers role in the study requires identifying personal values, biases, and assumptions at the very beginning. In this manner, transparency, which is a crucial element in objectivity, is promoted. Ortlipp (2008) states that keeping a research diary is an excellent method of upholding transparency in research since it details the research process in a way that allows the researcher to reveal the nuances attached to his or her participation. As a researcher, I have been in customer relations for nearly a decade and I believe that my professional and personal experiences with Samsung will increase my awareness, knowledge and sensitivity to the key issues that my research will attend to. I have experience in implementing mobile CRM and I am fairly knowledgeable with the technology associated with it. This will aid me in recognizes the thoughts, views and experiences of the participants when I interview them. My experiences and worldview will also influence how I interpret and understand the data I collect. Entry No. 2: April 3, 2015 Bias what are mine? One of the biggest problems with qualitative research is bias. Much has been said and explained about the extent to which a researcher can influence the outcomes of the study and whether or not some form of control is needed over the qualitative research process, in what is referred to as the interpretive crisis (Denzin Lincoln, 1994). Interpretive research proceeds differently from positivist research because data is analyzed in an inductive manner. In this manner, the researcher proceeds from a set of facts and interprets them to develop a general theory about a particular phenomenon. This opens the researcher to various possibilities of bias. Unlike the quantitative survey which I am most familiar with, qualitative data collection methods feature the researcher as facilitator. My presence occupies a prominent feature in the conduct of the data collection itself because I am the instrument. Therefore, how I collect the data will impact its quality significantly. For this research, I am considering doing focus group discussions in order to gather the views of users and employees on the impact of mobile CRM. I will be using a semi-structured discussion guide. The focus group is a familiar method used in business research and I am more or less knowledgeable with its general concept. However, I learned to be more conscious of some of the disadvantages of the focus groups. Focus group involves a group of people who are gathered and asked what their attitudes are towards a product or service.   It is not merely a simple gathering where answers are drawn from a set of people; in focus groups, discussion is facilitated. The facilitator can steer the group participants and influence them based on what questions he/she poses. There is also interaction, so participants are free to influence others with their opinion.   A crucial limitation of focus group is the quality of the facilitation (Krueger, 1994). Therefore, should I decide to proceed with the focus group as my primary data collection methods, reducing bias should be a priority. Moderator or facilitator bias will be expected if the facilitator is not skilled enough. He or she should be skilled and competent enough to handle participants who tend to hijack the discussion. I am considering whether I should moderate the focus group or have someone else do it. I have to ensure that my facial expressions, tone, deportment, language style, and gestures do not introduce or facilitate bias. Yet, as Le Gallais (2008) asserts, bias will be present in every researcher since we are influenced by our race, gender, age, and social status. My race for instance, would be a factor in a multi-ethnic focus group. There would be likelihood that I would identify more with Emirati participants than non-Emirati participants and vice versa. Being male, there is also the possibility that in mixed-gender focus groups, my presence would not encourage female participants to share their views. These are things that I need to be specific about when designing the focus group. In order to get quality data, maybe it would be desirable to have all-female, all-male and mixed-group discussions. Another thing I should be careful about is the content of the discussion guide. A biased or leading question influences the participants views and does not reflect good research practice. The manner of asking the question can also be biased. Therefore, the instrument must be checked and validated by an expert to ensure that there are no biased questions. Entry No. 4: December 7, 2016 Reflexivity As I read on theories and worldviews, I realize the importance of the practice of reflexivity. Reflexivity is concerned with a researchers self-awareness and consciousness and being able to own a certain perspective. This requires one to undergo questioning ones self about theoretical positions and how one looks at reality. Being reflexive is an examination of what I know and how I acquired this knowledge I have now. As a qualitative researcher, I need to pay attention to the various socio-political, cultural, and ideological issues surrounding the issue of mobile CRM. For instance, mobile CRM operates under the presumption that the digital world is flat and that users can access technology equally. However, this is not the case. People utilize and appreciate technology based on their social status, age, gender and race. For instance, older customers who are not tech-savvy may not appreciate the delivery of information through mobile phones. Women and men use technology differently and are more likely to have different perceptions about how technology should be used. I recognize how reflexivity is important to me as a doctoral researcher. Being the instrument, I have the power and accountability to interpret the data and to present it to the whole world. I need to ask myself constantly what kind of baggage I carry which will interfere with my interpretation and conduct in the research process. Pe rsonal concerns, ideological conflicts, and health issues are some of the factors I can think of right now which might affect my role as researcher. References       Denzin, N.K. Lincoln, Y.S. (1994). Introduction: Entering the field of qualitative research. In NK Denzin and YS Lincoln (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. .Hughes, C. Tight, M. (2013). The metaphors we study by: the doctorate as a journey and/or as work. Higher Education Research Development 32 (5), 765-775. Krueger, R.A. (1994). Focus groups. A practical guide for applied research. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Le Gallais, T. (2008). Wherever I go there I am: reflections on reflexivity and the research stance. Reflective Practice 9 (2)145-155. Ortlipp, M. (2008). Keeping and Using Reflective Journals in the Qualitative Research Process. The Qualitative Report 13(4), 695-705.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Break Through in American Baseball :: essays research papers

The Break Through in American Baseball   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Baseball, what is baseball? Baseball is a game about runs, hits and errors; 73 homers by Barry Bonds and seven no hitters by Nolan Ryan, a .367 lifetime mark by Ty Cobb and 511 wins by Cy Young. It’s all about the 15,000 people who have had the privilege to make it in the league and more, from homerun hitting Babe Ruth to the lately retired Cal Ripken Jr., but there is more to baseball then records and fame; the thing, the man, goes by the name of Jackie Robinson.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jackie Robinson. The name alone is inspiring and pure. Jack Roosevelt Robinson (Jackie) was born on 1919, in Cairo Georgia and quickly found out that life wasn’t going to be easy. When Jackie was one-year-old his father, Jerry, packed up and left his whole family, after his deserting; Jackie’s mother, Mallie, then rounded up her five children and moved to Pasadena, California, where she found work as a maid.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not long after moving to Pasadena Jackie soon enrolled at George Washington High School at the age of 17. Not only did he play four sports in high school but he also won the city’s Ping-Pong championship. While Jackie was still young and in high school his brother was way over in Berlin, Germany competing in the Summer Olympics. Mack got second in the 200-meter dash, finishing behind the all-time great Jesse Owens.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After graduating high school Jackie then attended UCLA in 1941 and was the first athlete in UCLA history to ever letter in four sports (baseball, football, basketball, and track) in a single year. Not only did he make history there, but he met the love of his life, Rachel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After one year of college, Jackie entered the army for World War II. He was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, and while he was there he was denied entrance into the Officers’ Candidate School because of his skin color. Being the man he is, he protested and protested and stood up for what he believed in and in 1945 was discharged as a lieutenant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After being discharged, Jackie met Branch Rickey on August 28, 1945 and Rickey offered Jackie a contract with one of the Dodgers farm clubs, the Montreal Royals of the International League. Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play in the International League, and as you can guess had to overcome a lot of adversity.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing the Treatment of Madness in The Bell Jar and The Yellow Wallp

Treatment of Madness in The Bell Jar and The Yellow Wallpaper  Ã‚   Mental illness and madness is a theme often explored in literature and the range of texts exploring these is tremendously varied. Various factors can threaten a character's sanity, ranging from traumatic events which trigger a decline to pressure from more vast, impersonal sources. Generally speaking, writers have tried to show that most threats to sanity comprise a combination of long-term and short-term factors - the burning of the library in Mervyn Peake's novel 'Titus Groan' precipitated Lord Sepulchrave's descent into madness, but a longer term problem can be discerned in the weight of tradition which caused him to worry 'that with him the line of Groan should perish'. Such interplay between the acute and the chronic is, it would seem, a matter of agreement between authors who explored this issue. The manner in which characters respond to these threats is not. In some works the threatened character succeeds in becoming empowered - they find a way to maintain themselves and emerg e from the ordeal undefeated, if not unbowed. Esther Greenwood as portrayed in Sylvia Plath's autobiographical novel 'The Bell Jar' is one such character, although the question always remains whether such a victory is a permanent solution. In many other works the only option for the characters is escape. This may be an escape from reality as described in Roald Dahl's short story 'Georgy Porgy'. It may be an escape from self-awareness as shown in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's novella 'The Yellow Wallpaper'. The ultimate escape is self-destruction - Sepulchrave's death in 'Titus Groan' and Sylvia Plath's real-life suicide in 1963 (barely three weeks after 'The Bell Jar' was published) ca... ...emonstrates throughout the first half of the novel that Greenwood is increasingly withdrawing from herself, with her failure to identify with her reflection in a mirror ("The face in the mirror looked like a sick Indian" - she uses no words to suggest that "the face in the mirror" is herself, and it is only from context that the reader knows this at all) being symbolic of this. The first half of the Bell Jar, then, demonstrates that Esther Greenwood's initial responses to the pressures threatening her sanity are firstly to lose her emotional link to the world, and secondly to lose this link within herself. Such a response only lead to further problems which the author explores in the rest of the novel, and it is a point worth noting that in many cases the defences that can be useful at first in response to a threat can end up as part of the problem itself.      

Friday, October 11, 2019

Introduction Technology Enhanced Learning In Education Education Essay

â€Å" The Internet is a timely tool for pedagogues who are reforming instruction. If we believe information is the bedrock of cognition, understanding and power, so cosmopolitan entree, to worldwide databases and latest, planetary information and people-to-people networking, is important to supplying pupils with educational challenges. † Children and striplings in modern societies are turning up in a universe where engineering is present everyplace. The extended usage of Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT ) by striplings in their day-to-day life for leisure, amusement and societal interaction is doing a great impact on their acquisition demands, demands and outlooks. They need to larn accomplishments and competencies, for self-development, engagement in society every bit good as for future occupations. Furthermore, they are besides progressively utilizing ICT for any learning intents, frequently outside the schoolroom. This gives rise to new ways of acquisition, including informal 1s which are shaped by new ICT tools, offering exciting larning chances that are basically different than earlier tools. This is the ground why instruction is sing a major invention and the instrument in this development is the computing machine. Computers and cyberspace installations are nowadays available in all our province schools: from primary to secondary and besides at the third degree. It is expected that instruction will see ICT as a major instruction and larning tool across all educational establishments. With its power of interactivity, multimedia and communicating, the computing machine proves an first-class tool for instruction. Psychologists believe that the best feedback is that which comes instantly after the event. What can be more immediate than ‘surfing ‘ the cyberspace and acquiring the consequences wished for within seconds? Of class, the usage of ICT in instruction brings along the demand to larn how to utilize this medium decently because there are legion ways in which the computing machine can be integrated within the learning procedure. Therefore new learning methods need to be explored, equipment has to be purchased, installed, on a regular basis maintained and instructors require preparation. This finally leads to consequences which decidedly need to be evaluated and reviewed for farther betterment.1.1.1 Virtual Learning EnvironmentRecent old ages have seen a considerable scope of tools and programmes that support online acquisition. One such type is a practical acquisition environment which is a web-based information-rich acquisition environment that provides a scope of tools and installations for scholars and instructors to work together. INSPIRAL, a undertaking in the United Kingdom, defined practical acquisition environments as follows: â€Å" VLEs are web-based toolkits that facilitate larning through the proviso and integrating of online instruction and acquisition stuffs and tools. † INSPIRAL ( 2001 ) This brings about a displacement in the important function of the instructor, from that of ‘gatekeeper ‘ of cognition to that of ‘facilitator ‘ and ‘manager ‘ of the acquisition environment, in order to run into the demands of the pupils. Therefore, the pupil, through the counsel of the instructor, sets precedences and accomplishable ends and takes on the duty for making the set ends. Students have the chance to prosecute in autonomous acquisition experiences and activities that promote self-expression, co-operative acquisition and interaction non merely with their immediate environment but with the outside universe every bit good.Aims of the ProbeThere is a sense of urgency for instruction establishments to happen ways to move in favor of the new larning coevals in order to enable new ways of larning guaranting that the accomplishments for future occupations are acquired. It is indispensable to do certain that 21st century acquisition in Europe, p articularly in Malta, becomes more efficient, just and advanced than it of all time was in the yesteryear. The European 2020 scheme high spots of import tendencies, which will take to a extremist transmutation in instruction taking up new accomplishments needed for new occupations. In this regard, e-learning has many assets to offer so as to reenforce and do more accessible educational facets. Teachers hence need to go go-betweens between pupils, cognition and engineering while internet-based societal networking will be a complimentary characteristic to practical acquisition. This scheme aims at sharing best patterns on e-learning undertakings across Europe with a peculiar accent on mobility, quality criterions, instructors ‘ preparation and games. At the European Council held in Lisbon in March 2000, 15 European Heads of Government set a end for Europe to go the most competitory knowledge-based economic system in the universe, capable of sustainable economic growing with more and better occupations and greater societal coherence. Due to the fact that ICT and other related policies play a cardinal function in accomplishing the ends of the Lisbon scheme, the renewed Lisbon ends of 2005 included programs to ease invention through the execution of ICT and higher investing in human capital. Brian Restall, ( 2008 ) in the study ‘The Development of eServices in an Hypertrophied Europium: eLearning in Malta ‘ , presents the consequences of a research on e-learning in Malta. The authorities invested well in ICT in public schools in the last decennary. This has allowed the Maltese instruction sector to be ranked as one of the most technologically connected in the universe. All province schools are networked, connected to broadband cyberspace with a computing machine and an enterprise has been launched to utilize ICT across the course of study. However it is worthy of note that the deficiency of expertness and practical support in seting into pattern e-learning in the course of study, together with appropriate preparation both for instructors and pupils, is still lending significantly to the restrictions of consumption. In fact, most of the attempts that have been noted locally were in most instances consequences of independent attempts at the integrating of ICT in instruction. E-learning is non about taking classroom-based acquisition and forcing it down a wire. Rather, e-learning nowadayss a new position on how engineering can be applied to heighten what instructors do good now, and to present new advanced ways to maximize the handiness, enjoyment and the effectivity of larning for the person. Indeed, online acquisition can besides let educational experiences to be tailored to the demands of persons or groups of persons. Other societal groups, such as scholars with household committednesss and with disablements, can besides profit if the physical and temporal obstructions to instruction are removed with the aid of engineering. â€Å" A major challenge which the present instruction system faces is the effectual and efficient operation of the different educational services in order to supply quality instruction ‘for all kids to win ‘ , a taking aim of the Ministry of Education. The educational substructure and system has grown to such an extent that it requires a more timely and effectual bringing of services and support. † Although the research carried out in this peculiar country has non been conclusive, the ‘laptop for instructors ‘ enterprise, and other similar attempts[ 1 ]hold proven to lend to instructors ‘ betterment of ICT literacy. In secondary schools particularly, holistic attacks to ICT integrating should go the norm instead than the exclusion. The ICT accomplishments that Maltese pupils are geting during their ICT lessons need to be used in other topics in order to implant the accomplishments gained. Some schools are already trying inter-disciplinary and cross-curricular classs and are gaining the potency of ICT ; nevertheless more schools need to do such a measure. On the other manus, a recent â€Å" cognition function † exercising conducted by the World Bank ‘s Information for Development Programme ( InfoDev ) ( Trucano, 2005 ) revealed that, despite decennaries of big investings in ICT to profit instruction in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) states, information to back up the theoretical benefits from ICT are limited. After gaining the job that occurred within the past old ages where merely classroom-based acquisition was taking topographic point without instructors doing usage of ICT tools, as described in this subdivision and as summarised below, the chief aims that this thesis will try to make are: How to outdo integrate the usage of ICT with the acquisition of Mathematics, viz. the subject of Algebra Derive an penetration and hence compare the interactions that happen in the schoolroom and on-lineStructure of the ProbeThe first portion of this thesis gives a reappraisal of different literatures and surveies that have taken topographic point global. Emphasis is put on those coming from the United Kingdom, besides those from Malta. This is because, Maltese instruction has invariably moved, someway, in conformity with British instruction. The method of how the research was carried out will so be explained in item and eventually the informations and consequences obtained will be analysed and compared. The thesis will reason with some recommendations given to instructors who would wish to better, with the aid of ICT, the mathematical acquisition experience offered in Maltese schools.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Steryotypes Of Teenagers

I am writing to inform you about how I feel when I see certain articles that have been published in your newspaper. Most of these articles are about teenagers with a lot of negative coverage. I hope through this letter that you will understand what so many teenagers feel when reading the negative articles that YOU publish. Hopefully, after this letter you won’t ever stereotype anyone without full information about them again. It was just last week that I was reading a copy of ‘The Sun’ when my eyes focussed on this one article, it was titled ‘Jeremy’s ‘Happy Slap’ Ordeal’.My eye then alighted on Jeremy Clarkson’s face, (the guy from Top Gear) and that I think just spurred me on to read more. I didn’t really know what to expect but honestly I had no idea this was about teenagers. Whilst reading this article I realized something was wrong. Usually when you have an article like this in the newspapers there’s alway s two points of view. Normally the two parties or persons involved have a say, but this particular article shows extreme bias.We simply hear Jeremy’s point of view and leave the teenagers opinions unheard. Personally I think this is very unfair, when journalists do things like this, it’s not right; it’s actually very sly and manipulative. You instantly portray Clarkson as ‘our man†¦ the victim’ and the others as ‘a gang of teenage thugs’. How are reader’s going to have a balanced view of the situation, when this is how you set the article up? There is one quote in the article about police which I am angry about, which is â€Å"the police?Oh come on they are too busy filling in health and safety forms and processing speeding fines†. This quote irritates me dramatically because frankly it’s not true. The, I see them police are not too busy with speeding fines or health and safety forms. I always see police when I go out dealing with young drunk men or people brawling in the street. This tells me that Jeremy was wrong about the police. Jeremy Clarkson has obviously been brainwashed by the media.He’s just making assumptions about stuff, like most famous people do, because unlike some people he doesn’t have the decency to go and talk to teenagers and find out the truth, or maybe there aren’t any brains in his head. Either that or HIS parents didn’t bring him up properly. His parents probably didn’t teach him basic manners and he doesn’t know what being polite is. Interestingly enough, as I was reading on I noticed how conceited and arrogant he was when discussing the parenting skills of these teenagers.Jeremy states that ‘Nothing can be done about the parents because they are too thick’. Yes, he is attempting to be humorous, but there is truth, in his eyes, in what he is saying and it is offensive! I strongly disagree with him because pare nts have the intelligence to do anything for their kids and help them through their lives. I was actually very enraged at this, I can tell you that my parents are NOT and I repeat NOT thick. Rather they are very intelligent because to raise a baby into a grown female/male with basic manners and high morals takes a lot.I can understand why he is thinking like this because he didn’t have a very happy ending of the encounter with the teens but common who needs all of the aggression? He starts off by branding teenagers as brutal thugs who love drink a lot of cider and love to stab passers-by. When i read this i feel really outraged that he has the audacity to say such things, I mean how the hell does he know all teenagers are like this. I can confirm to you that i am a teenager and me and my friends don’t drink vast quantities of alcohol or love to stab passers-by as a hobby.I have to say he is being really ignorant because he’s trying to make teenagers look all vio lent and what’s really weird is that the teens didn’t touch him but he just thought he’d just grab the ringleader by the scruff of his neck. Now what do you call that? I say that’s what you would call a ‘middle age thug’. Now there is no way you can disagree with me he was the aggressor there, he just assumed it was ok to enforce violence on a group of teens who hadn’t even touched him.