Monday, September 30, 2019

Balanced Scoreboard

Firstly, financial element is an organizational element which aims at examining whether implementation and execution of company’s organizational strategy are equally contributing to company’s improvement. It is characterized by measures which assess whether the company is able to manage its costs and operations. For Accounting Firm financial element is very important for enhancing performance because it helps to manage revenue growth, profit margins, net operation income and cash flows.Secondly, customer element aims at defining the value proposition to satisfy customers and to generate more sales. This element is used to measure the delivered value, costs and outcomes – for example, market share or customer satisfaction. In Accounting firm customer element will enhance operational performance, product leadership, customer satisfaction and intimacy. Thirdly, internal process element or perspective aims at creating and delivering the value proposition of customers .The task is to concentrate on key activities and processes to provide value expected by the customers the most effectively and productively. Short-term and long-term objectives are incorporated. In Accounting Firm this element is of great help for developing innovative processes and stimulating further company’s improvement. Internal process assists in improving asset utilization, establishing good relations with external shareholders, etc.Finally, element of learning and growth aims at founding any effective strategy which will concentrate on intangible assets, internal skills and capabilities necessary for value-creating internal process. Human capital, information capital and organizational capital are involved. This element plays important role for Accounting firm as it stimulates improvement in learning, decreases short-term financial loses and contributes to long-term development. References Cobbold, I. & Lawrie, G. (2002). The Development of the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management Tool. USA: Performance Measurement Association.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Character of Mrs. Sparsit in Hard Times

MRS. sparsit is an elderly lady who is highly connected and have a huge aristpcratic bvackground. her husband belonged to the family of â€Å"POWERLS†. Scadgers†¦. she is a widow now, fallen yupon evil days to take up job. She works as a housekeeper olf mr. Josiah Bounderby. bounderby treats her in the most polite manner and never fails to pay compliments and regards to her excellent background. Mrs. Sparsit is very much proud of her coonnectipons.The jnovelist descxribes her as a p;erson haveing dense black Coriolanian eyebrows and a thick roman nose with classical eyes.. o stress on her aristocratic background in a satirical way. dickens have also mafde her the object of satire with reference to her pride and vanity for her high connections. It is because of this pride that sjhe shares her employers contempt for the workers. It is due to this disdain she treats Stephen Blackpool with total lack of symparthy when he comes tp Bounderby to discuss his matrimonial troubles. she even regards him as an â€Å"Impiety of people†. Bounderby's decesipn top marry Loiusa ; Gradgrind's daughter is obviously unfavourable to MRs.Sparsits, bu t she dint utterd a word against it,. Bounderby was aware of her dissaproval regarding his marrige so hi took a bottle of smelling salts witrh him under the impression that she wou;d faint on hearing the unwelcomed news. But to the utter surprise of Bounderby she saw no sign of trouble or dissaproval on her face. Instead she looked at him in a pityful manner and extended her goodwishes to bounderby. BOunderby seems to understand mrs. sparsit well therefore he asserted at once dat his housekeeper woyuld not be abel to beer the site of hiss would be wife.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Darwin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Darwin - Essay Example This paper is a discussion in favor of Charles Darwin and natural selection theory. The paper will look at the components necessary for natural selection and examples that concur with the natural selection theory. It will investigate various ideas presented by Darwin (thesis). In the theory of natural selection, only the fittest species will exist. The paper will also highlight circumstances where natural selection does not play a part in survival (counter thesis). Response Charles Darwin presumed all animals and plants had progressed from a minimal usual ancestor through the process of natural selection. Both animals and plants give rise to a number of young ones, but several of the young plants and animals are extinct before they can grow into adulthood or reach maturity. Natural selection establishes which constituents of a species exist and reproduce, and which ones become extinct prematurely (Maynard 23). This is evident in our everyday life, for instance, in a location that exp eriences calamities such as war or famine, only people who are able to adapt to the harsh conditions of lack of food, shelter, or diseases, are the ones who are able to continue to exist during or after the calamities. In addition, all living elements must fight for an inadequate supply of space, water, food, and other necessary things in an environment. It is factual that the individual animals and plants whose features are adequately modified to situations have an upper hand in the struggle for resources, and consequently, the survival. On average, these species have a tendency to produce a large amount of young ones in comparison to other species in their unit. Accordingly, the population of the unit having the same features as the best-adapted species augments from one generation to the next. In my view, the term fitness may be utilized to refer to an organism’s capacity to produce offspring (Gould 47). Therefore it is appropriate to refer to the theory of natural selecti on as survival for the fittest. There are a number of natural selection forms. They comprise sexual selection, stabilizing selection, and directional selection. Sexual selection is primarily evident among the animal species. Similar to natural selection, adults of numerous populations have a preference for mating partners who exhibit specified external features or behaviors. It may be argued that sexual selection illustrates why males of numerous bird populations contain extra colorful feathers than their female counterparts. Stabilizing selection takes place if a group is adequately adapted to its surrounding. In this situation, the populations with common features produce the most offspring, and individuals who are the most dissimilar reproduce the least number of offspring. In addition, stabilizing selection removes tremendous traits, lessening the quantity of dissimilarity in a group. This makes stabilizing selection the most widespread form of natural selection. Finally, direct ional selection creates new traits that assist a population to become accustomed to its surrounding (Maynard 24). This is what is mostly perceived as natural selection by numerous individuals. Moreover, for natural selection to function appropriately, a number of requirements should be met. One, the members of the population should be different in their hereditary features. Organisms in different species illustrate a number of

Women as Spies in the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Women as Spies in the Civil War - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that although the role of espionage has been admitted to be a very important factor through the entire course of the American Civil War in most historical records, it has been denied the deserving respect in terms of detailed narratives elaborating upon the actual significance of the roles played by spies. This holds true even more in case of women who served as undercover agents.   The author has rightly presented that this unavailability of detailed mention in records results primarily from the nature of the job itself. Often, records would be destroyed to protect the identities of the agents by themselves or by other officials. So, the historian addressing this issue would have to seek out often intentionally obscured and carefully camouflaged tracks by the agents themselves, officials of both the governments and last but not the least, time. The paper tells that proper chronicling of Civil War intelligence activities is thus a strenuo us challenge due to the absence of records, the absence of access to records, and also the dubiousness of the available records. The confederacy’s state secretary, Judah P. Benjamin burned all records related to intelligence activities that he could find when the news of the Federal troops entering Richmond came. On the other hand, till 1953, Intelligence records belonging to the Union were kept sealed in the National archives.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Imax case study for Strategic Management course Essay

Imax case study for Strategic Management course - Essay Example and Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunity-Threat models, this study will analyze the environmental factors that could affect IMAX’s performance in domestic and foreign markets. Using a crystal clear image which is almost ten times bigger than what a traditional 35mm movie theatre can offer, IMAX is known for its ability to offer exciting film formal around the world. With IMAX’s 3D screen using state-of-the-art 3 dimensional glasses combine with its 15,000 watt digital surround sound system, IMAX was easily able to capture the market. As a sign of success, IMAX was able to generate a total of $59.12 million revenue from IMAX system sales of which $36.57 came from films and $16.58 million from theatre operations (p. 3). Despite the success of IMAX in terms of capturing a larger part of its target audiences by introducing the state-of-the-art technology in the U.S. market, the company had to face business challenges because of its past growth strategy. With the purpose of capturing a wider scope of audiences, expanding the business by entering in alliances with commercial movie theatre owners like AMC, Cinemark, and Regal was not a good idea. Although IMAX was able to install the IMAX system in the multiplexes of AMC, Cinemark, and Regal was cheaper as compared to the case when IMAX would invest on building their own cinemas, the crisis that hit the theatre industry back in the late 1990s made the growth strategy of IMAX a failure (p. 6). As a result of financial difficulty on the part of the theatre owners, many were left out with no choice but to file bankruptcy. This left IMAX with a long list of financial debts. To enable IMAX to success in the global theatre industry, the company had to make a clear judgement and careful decision on how IMAX will be able to compete with its rivals without having the need to experience the same business failure that took place back in the 1990s. Upon analyzing the IMAX’s general and industry environment specifically by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bruce Bodaken, Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bruce Bodaken, Leadership - Essay Example The non-profit making insurance company was receiving a hostile response from the public. Currently, he works as the chairman, President and the CEO for Blue Shield of California, which is a non-profit health insurance company. Under his leadership, the insurance company is ranked as the fastest growing company in California. He also serves in various boards such as the American Association of Health Plans. He influenced the Health Maintenance Organization of California to support free evaluation of doctors who denied health malpractice which was later put in the law. He also mobilized actors in the insurance industry in Washington DC for the adoption of an overall plan that was formulated by Blue Shield (Julie Appleby, 2004). Since he became the CEO of Blue Shield, positive changes have occurred in the company, making it a highly profitable company. Prior to this, he acted as the deputy CEO in the same company in the year 1999. During this time, Blue Shield gathered a net income of $16.9 million as well as a reserve fund of $547 million (Julie Appleby, 2004). There was a rise in administrative fixed costs by 16, but the net income grew by more than three and a half times when he was deputy CEO, to a high of $62 and over time, the net income has risen to $314 million. Under his leadership he has demonstrated management practices that led to a decrease in overhead costs as well as substantial growth in reserve fund. The company enjoys a reserve fund that is close to $1.1 billion (Blue Shield of California, 2008). Blue shield has been categorized as one of the fastest growing insurance company. Last year, Blue Shield registered 392,000 members, raising its total to 2.7 million (Blue Shield of California, 2008). This was as a result of an idea that he raised, of registering members through the public retirement system of California. In 2002, he put forward a particular

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Civil Rights Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Civil Rights Movement - Essay Example As the essay stresses long before Brown, however, and long before Marshall would sit on the Supreme Court, in 1930; Marshall applied to the University of Maryland Law School. Because Marshall was black, his application to the law school was rejected. Marshall was accepted into Howard University’s law school, which was and continues to be one of the finest institutions of higher education serving a student body of mostly African Americans. It’s easy to understand the passion with which Marshall must have pursued his victory in Brown v. Board of Topeka. This paper declares that Brown v. Board opened the door to African Americans seeking admissions into what had traditionally been white schools and colleges. It was a long road, but sweeping changes began taking place throughout the south. Arkansas, in 1957 saw its National Guard force federalized by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in order to prevent the state’s, Governor Orval Faubus, from utilizing the Guard to prevent black students from entering white schools. In 1962, the University of Mississippi was mandated by a federal court to admit its first black student, James Meredith. Meredith, having accumulated credit from another university prior to his admission, graduated from the University of Mississippi the following year. Having delivered the Court’s decision in 1954, Chief Justice Warren read, â€Å"We conclude that, in the field of education, ‘separate but equal’ has no place’.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Impact of Total Quality Management on Employees Productivity Research Proposal

The Impact of Total Quality Management on Employees Productivity - Research Proposal Example This research paper will is based on the concept of total quality management but it will take a detour from the common studies that have been undertaken in regards to this concept, which have largely been centered on management issues. Moreover, studies conducted by Creech (1994) stated that total quality management (TQM) is aimed towards creating excellence and due to this fact; it focuses on promoting the right attitudes within organizations and even implementing control measures in order to avoid costly mistakes. The detour will lead to a research study that seeks to investigate the impact of TQM on the level of productivity amongst the employees. Productivity in this context will refer to the performance measure of both employee effectiveness and efficiency. It will be important to conduct this research study because in a majority of the widely available scholarly literature there is very little mention of how TQM directly affects the level of employee productivity. This research gap provides a justification for conducting this present research study, as it will seek to establish the relationship between the fundament concepts of excellence or TQM and their direct impact on the level of employees’ productivity. This means that a method of a measure will be established in order to gauge the extent to which the fundamental concepts of TQM influence the level of employee productivity. First, Evans and Lindsey (2008) defined total quality management as a combination of socio-technical processes that are aligned towards doing the right things (externally), everything right (internally), first time and all the time, with economic viability considered at each stage of each process. In the writings by Goetsch and Davis (2010), they argued that organizations, which have  implemented TQM have always been able to undertake strategic planning in order attain the mission as well as make significant strides towards their vision. Goetsch and Davis (2010) further argued that such organizations are always capable of achieving a balanced set of results, which enables them to attain long-term as well as short-term objectives.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Grupo Modelo Place in the World Market Essay Example for Free

The Grupo Modelo Place in the World Market Essay In previous years, beer’s core segmentation was age group 21-27, this demographic bottomed out in the late 1990’s to early 2000’s, but projections are showing that this core demographic will be the top demographic again by 2010 according to beerprofit. com. Studies have shown the 40% of the adult market are expected to be regular beer consumers by 2011. This paper will discuss Medelo’s international expansion through strategic partnerships, next steps into a foreign market for Modelo, challenges from InBev, Modelo’s direct competitor, and whether Modelo should diversify its business. (HTB, 2008) Modelo’s International expansion with Strategic Partnerships Grupo Modelo is the biggest brewer in Mexico and is based in Mexico City. Model has built several breweries in states throughout Mexico for logistics, warehousing and transportation strategies. Grupo Model best known product is Corona, while it best selling brand is Corona Light. Within Mexico, their biggest selling brand is Modelo Especial which is a premium pale lager thats more comparable in quality to Dos XX than its lightweight Corona. Most beers sold in Mexico are standard light bodied lager brews that are similar to U. S. and Canadian lagers. Especial are sometimes viewed as a premium brands, while Pacifico has a certain cachet on the Pacific coast, and Corona and Sol are both super light bodied brands with painted labels and that appeal to a fun in the sun kind of marketing mentality. In 1985, Grupo Modelo started exploring other markets, first Canada and Japan, and later on Australia and New Zealand. In 1989, the organization moved into Europe when an office in Brussels was opened, later Russia, Africa and Latin America, the Modelo brands are present in 159 countries. In 1997, Anheuser-Busch and Grupo Modelo agreed to purchase 37% of the brewer to gain some revenue and capital opportunities for Modelo. Under the agreement, Anheuser-Busch has invested $605 million, bringing its total investment in Mexicos largest beer company to more than $1 billion. The agreement also allowed for Anheuser-Busch to acquire another 17% at a later date. In 2003, Anheuser-Busch acquired a 17. 7 percent direct and indirect interest in Grupo Modelo and its subsidiary, Diblo, S. A. for $477 million. This gave Anheuser-Busch financial control over the Modelo. By 1996, the acquisition was complete. Our taking a larger stake in Modelo is advantageous for both companies, said Anheuser-Busch Chairman of the Board and President August A. Busch III. Grupo Modelo is a well-managed company with a great heritage. Mexico is a key market in our overall approach to globalizing our company. There is great potential in the Mexican beer market. Our association with Modelo will help grow that market and enhance our already strong relationship with the Mexican-American community. (Chalmers, 2009) Grupo Modelo’s Next Foreign Market and Strategy In 2005, Grupo Modelo and Anheuser-Busch agreed to import Modelos beers into China, the worlds largest beer market, the Mexico City-based Grupo Modelo, who is half-owned by Anheuser-Busch and exclusive importer of Anheuser-Buschs brands in Mexico, including Budweiser and Bud Light. Grupo Modelo holds 62. 8 percent of the total beer market share in Mexico as of Dec. 31, 2005. The agreement with Anheuser-Busch for China covered Corona Extra as well as other Grupo Modelo brands to be distributed in the future. Apart of the strategy was to expand Corona Extra. Corona Extra is the No. 1 Mexican beer sold in the world and the most popular imported beer in the U. S. , regardless of origin. This new partnership ideally complements the international strategy that Modelo has successfully implemented for several decades, said Carlos Fernandez, chairman and CEO of Grupo Modelo, in a statement. Grupo Modelo exports seven brands with a presence in more than 150 countries. (Chalmers, 2006) The Challenges from InBev InBev, the largest beer company in the world produces over 200 beer brands produced and sold throughout the world. Its flagship brands are Budweiser, Stella Artois, Brahma, Becks and Leffe. InBev has operations in over 30 countries and sales in over 130 countries. In 2006 it had a market capitalization of â‚ ¬30. 6 billion and net profit of â‚ ¬3. 2 billion on sales of â‚ ¬13. 3 billion. InBev was created in 2004 from the merger of the Belgian company Interbrew and the Brazilian company AmBev. Before the merger with Ambev, Interbrew was the third largest brewing company in the world by volume, Anheuser-Busch was the largest, followed by SABMiller in second place. Heineken International was in fourth place and AmBev was the worlds fifth largest brewer. On June 12, 2008, InBev announced that it has made a US$46 billion offer for the brewing firm Anheuser-Busch. This merger joined two of the worlds four largest brewing companies (based on revenue) and created a company that brews three of the top beers in the world Bud Light, Budweiser and Skol. InBev also stated that the merger would not result in any U. S. brewery closures and they would also attempt to keep on management and board members from both companies. On Sunday, July 13, 2008, Anheuser-Busch announced that they had agreed to an acquisition by InBev valued at about US$52 billion in cash, or $70 per share. As a condition, InBev will be renamed AB-InBev and Anheuser-Busch would retain two seats on the board of directors. This created a problem for Modelo because Anheiser-Busch has acquired a 51% stake in 2003. Even though the deal was crafted so that Modelo could buy back its majority interest. After the announcement of the AB InBev merger, Modelo sued it US Constellation partner who is partnered with InBev so the InBev could assume a hostile takeover of the company. That arbitration is ongoing. (Kesmodel, 2009) Should Grupo Modelo Diversify its Business? While Modelo still ranks as the 4th largest brewer behind AB-Inbev, SABMiller, Heiniken International, it is the only brewer controls 65%+ in its home country. The other bottlers have found fortune in diversifying into foods, Modelo may be best served with an expansion into other products to boost its name and brand. SABMiller is the outsource bottler Coca Cola Africa. Pepsi has expanded into other brands by acquiring Gatorade, Frito-Lay, and Quaker Oats. Its side brands now account for 55% of of its revenue. Modelo could be better served acquiring established food brands or international food processing plants. AB-InBev has diversified, SABMiller has diversified. Heineken has diversified by isolating its beer brands to different markets Europe, Asia, Americas, Caribbean, and South America. With the top selling single beer product in the world, the company can build some momentum based on that product. Conclusion Grupo Model is poised to take a substantial place in the world market. It is known the throughout the bottle world for its robust and efficient processes. It has been able to expand into foreign markets while keeping its signature product as the number one selling product in the world. It has been able to merge with the largest beer company in the world and still keep it operational control over its products and withstand competitive challenges from direct competitors seeking to penetrate its principal markets. With the establishment of the number one brand beer, Modelo seems poised to leverage its brand into different markets and diversifications.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Future Job Essay Example for Free

My Future Job Essay Do you like the thrill of working in the hospital’s emergency department? Maybe you prefer the calmer and less stressful settings of a medical clinic. One thing we all must choose upon graduating is the work place we would like to see ourselves in. For me, I would like to work in a medical clinic or doctor’s office. I prefer the 8 to 5 schedule that you see in an office setting as to the crazy hours hospitals keep. As a working mom, this will benefit not only me, but also my children. Because I have a remarkably relaxed personality, I would work better in a medical office. I do not work well under extreme pressures. Do not get me wrong, I realize that even in a doctor’s office, things can get hectic at times; but, even on the worst of days in an office is still not as stressful as working in a hospital. Having a set schedule with no working holidays or weekends is much more favorable to me as I will be a working mom with two small children. This schedule will allow me to spend quality family time with my children and provide income to care for them. I will have the chance to help with homework and still be able to be there for significant events such as sporting events or spelling bees. Another way that this schedule will help me is that, on holidays and weekends, I will not have to struggle to find a babysitter or put my children in daycare. This in turn, will save me money. Another reason that I would prefer the medical office setting is the fact that I will get the chance to know each of the patients. I am truly a people person; I would rather get to know someone rather than rush around them. In an office setting, I will have the opportunity to spend more time with the each of the patients and get a feel for who they are, and better ways to help them. Knowing the patients is a momentous challenge that is worth all the rewards it brings. I have seen a myriad of patients switch providers for  the fact that the doctors, nurses and staff seem uncaring. When you get to know the person and are able to empathize with them, you not only establish better care for what the patient needs but also gain the trust and respect of the patient. As I see it, these are the only reasons I need, to recognize exactly where I see myself working. Having a job that meshes well with my personality is indispensable to me. I want to wake up each morning and not be able to wait to go to work. The financial stability, while still being able to watch and help my children grow is priceless to me. There is nothing more valuable than being able to be there to support your children in all that they do; having a job that allows me to be there is the only kind for me. Plus add in the benefits of getting to know another unique human being on a daily basis, and helping them prosper, makes working in a medical office the perfect job for me.