Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Protection Over Animals Animal Abuse - 1510 Words

Protection Over Animals We should understand that animals have feelings and have a brain even though they do not have the same physical appearance as we do. I believe people that are caught committing the acts of abuse, the consequences of breaking the animal laws should be strongly enforced. In reality I’m sure that I am not the only person who would love nothing than to help our loving animals to live a full and happy life. The reason for my paper is to reach out to people on how important animals are, just as much as we are important. I also believe that we should all want to help animals and keep them safe from abuse because no living breathing creature deserves to go through that. Animal abusers should have harsher punishments for animal abuse due to the cruelty inflicted on the animals, the rights of animals, and the inhumane things done during animal testing (Report 1). People in our society use our animals for all the wrong reasons. Our pets and wild life are meant to be loved and handled with care, people have always exploited animals. With the people of today’s society, some of our wildlife species could become extinct because of the fact that people hunt and kill animals for fun and sport. In the last ten years the idea that animals have rights has gained acceptance in Europe, the United States and Australia. The main arguments in this book is that people should respect the fact that animals do have rights. All animals should be treated with love, care andShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence VS Animal Cruelty and Child Abuse1665 Words   |  7 PagesOver the centuries, animals have suffered from cruelty from humans. In the United States, animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Animals have been inflicted with pain from humans for reasons other than self-defense. They have been slaughtered for their food and fur fo r personal gain in profit. In a majority of cases they have even been abused for someone’s own personal amusement or out of rage filled impulses. In some cases animals are found and rescued. They are givenRead MoreThe Effects Of Animal Cruelty771 Words   |  4 Pagesmember and treat them as one. Sadly, many of those animals’ experience abuse and trauma that lasts a lifetime. Animal Cruelty may not seem like much however, it can be linked to multiple other social problems. As stated in Understanding Social Problems, â€Å"Domestic violence and animal abuse are linked.† The abuser often assaults the family pet to demonstrate their power and control over their family or spouse as well as create an environment of fear. Animal cruelty can also be linked to crimes such as murderRead MoreAnimal Cruelty And Domestic Violence Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pages Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence: Intersections of Abuse Animals are an important and valued part of many families and cultures. In many households, animals are considered members of the family, receive Christmas and birthday presents, and are cared for just as a human child would be. Opposition to animal cruelty has even become a sort of universal value in American culture(Kordzek 604). But animals are uniquely vulnerable to abuse, and despite this theyRead MoreAnimal Cruelty And Animal Abuse1572 Words   |  7 Pages LITERATURE REVIEW 5 China, US and the EU 5 A. Research Connections to Animal Cruelty and Abuse 6 B. Alternatives to Animal Testing 6 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 7 V. REFERENCES 8 â€Æ' I. INTRODUCTION The abuse and cruelty by humans towards animals have been on the rise as producers and retailers of cosmetics and drugs rush to position their products in the global markets. Scientific tests remain a leading player in animal abuse, especially due to the controlled environment while being experimentedRead MoreA Brief History of Animal Abuse and Cruelty Essay1152 Words   |  5 Pagesattracted by black smoke. She managed to put out the the flames with her sweater and proceeded to rush him to a small animal hospital with severe burns over his whole body and a serious ankle infection. Although he lost 60% off of both of his ears he maintained almost complete mobility of his leg. He still has a slight limp. Judi Bunge, a senior vet technician at Buffalo Small Animal Hospital who had been looking after Phoenix, adopted him soon after he had fully recovered. He now lives with Judi andRead MoreAnimal Abuse During The 1900 S1384 Words   |  6 PagesAnimal Abuse Movies, TV shows, circuses, and illegal gatherings in an old car garage are all places that animal abuse has taken place for the entertainment of humans. Since the 1900’s movie producers have been using animals in their productions (Dugas). Inhumane and unnecessary, are just two words that describe animal abuse, the use of animals for human entertainment is cruel and injustice. â€Å"Bite the Bullet†, a movie in the 1906 about a race through the American west, focused on the treatmentRead MoreAnimal Abuse Cases Essay examples1127 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout the world there are many animal abuse cases that increase every year, most cases not even being reported yet. The word animal cruelty gets thrown around a lot and can be categorized into different scenarios and laws. The point of researching animal cruelty is to get the reader to change their perspective on how they view animal cruelty and try to show them that animals need to be heard and helped, animals should have the same rights as human beings and there should be consequences forRead MoreInhumane Treatment of Farm Animals1319 Words   |  6 Pagestheir animals. Pregnant pigs are confined to tiny crates where they can barely move, and chickens are crammed together by the thousands, in small chicken house to save money. Veal calves are kept inside so their meat doesnt darken. Dairy cows and hens are pumped with lots of chemicals and hormones so that they produce more milk and eggs than they naturally would, and piglets that a crippled, too small or simply unwanted are killed brutally and thrown away like trash. Not only are the animals deniedRead MoreThe Effectiveness Of Animal Protection Laws Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effectiveness of Animal Protection Laws in the United States Almost eight million dogs and cats are surrendered to local shelters each year. Of those nearly three million are euthanized in the U.S. according to the ASPCA. There are only three federal laws in the nation regarding animals, The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and the Twenty-Eight Hour Act of 1877. The AWA specifies regulation for domesticated pets, while the other two are for livestock and humane killingsRead MoreEnforcing Harsher Animal Abuse Penalties Essay example1329 Words   |  6 PagesEnforcing Harsher Animal Abuse Penalties Should a man who sexually abused and tortured his girlfriends kitten face only eighteen months of prison? People who commit these crimes usually face minimum time in jail and many times it does not even appear on their record. Animals are living creatures and therefore; should not be harmed in any kind of way and especially not killed. Due to the fact that most animals are in this world as a benefit to the human population, favorable treatment should be

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Scarlet Letter Essay On Nature - 1175 Words

Skylar Bowyer October 24, 2017 Mr. Bernstein Scarlet Letter Essay Albert Einstein, a famous theoretical physicist, once said, â€Å"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.† Nature reveals much more to the human eye than many people realize. By looking deep into nature, one can find the inner workings of the universe and the simplicity of life. The Puritans and other main characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter did exactly this. Within the novel, readers witness many natural occurrences such as a meteor in the sky, a rosebush outside of a prison, or the sun setting on the horizon. The Puritans in the book analyze these events as â€Å"godly† and connect the events with the ongoings of the Massachusetts†¦show more content†¦Pearl, Hester’s child out of wedlock, then emphasizes on the idea of darkness following Hester when she declares to Hester, â€Å"the sunshine does not love you. It turns away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom† (Hawthorne 167). The letter on Hester’s bosom not only repel the townspeople, it drives off the sunshine and light that used to follow her wherever she went. She is considered as a social outcast among her peers and even the children of the community. However, still in the forest, when Hester rips the Scarlet Letter from her chest and throws it into the nearby brook, â€Å"all at once, as with a sudden smile of heaven, forth burst the sunshine, pouring a very flood into the obscure forest, gladdening each green leaf, transmuting the yellow fallen ones to gold, and gleaming adown the gray trunks of the solemn trees† (Hawthorne 186). Once the letter is no longer attached to Hester, she is set free from her guilt and grief that she has endured for so many years. She is no longer controlled by the â€Å"iron-framework† (Hawthorne 111) of the puritan society and is able to be with Dimmesdale, her true lover, without the guilt that was brought upon her by the Scarle t Letter. Another main character in the book is Arthur Dimmesdale.Show MoreRelatedScarlet Letter Human Nature Essay731 Words   |  3 Pagesinstinct, known as human nature, has directly impacted the way humans carry out their daily lives. These instincts have also enabled mankind to be the most dominant species to ever live on this planet. Despite all the positives that human nature bring, it coexists with numerous flaws and inconsistencies as well. In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne magnifies the flaws of human nature by incorporating them into the characters of the novel, where he emphasizes how human nature has the tendency toRead More The Nature of the Heart in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay1331 Words   |  6 PagesThe Nature of the Heart in The Scarlet Letter  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Sacrificing of the soul and dedication can lead to suffering for some, but meaning in life for others. This is the main theme of The Scarlet Letter,by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story takes place in the seventeenth century in Puritan New England. The main character of the legend is Hester Prynne, who has an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister, and they produce Pearl. Hesters husband, Roger Chillingworth is the town physician. HeRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, A Transcendentalist Novel?1664 Words   |  7 Pages The Scarlet Letter, a Transcendentalist Novel? In many respects, The Scarlet Letter is considered one of America s great classic novels. But is it a Transcendentalist work? While the novel is commonly viewed as possessing many classic Transcendentalist themes, such as an emphasis on nature and self-reliance, there are key differences in elements of Hawthorne s novel and the values and ideas that the father of TranscendentalismRead MoreHester Prynne Analysis916 Words   |  4 Pagesand literary critic, penned his essay On the Scarlet Letter as a critique of the novel The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Lawrence argued that Hester Prynne, the novel’s protagonist, is not a victim, but rather is a sinful, corrupted character acting in her own self interest. Lawrence was effective in portraying his analysis of Prynne by his use of harsh diction, biblical allusions, and choppy syntax. The harsh diction utilized by Lawrence in his essay achieves his purpose. LawrenceRead More The Scarlet Letter Essay968 Words   |  4 PagesThe Scarlet Letter A Critical Analysis of Hester Prynne The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written in 1849. This novel won him much fame and a good reputation as a writer. In writing The Scarlet Letter, Hawethorne was creating a form of fiction he called the psychological romance. A psychological romance is a story that contains all of the conventional trappings of a typical romance, but deeply portrays humans in conflict with themselves. The Scarlet Letter won Hawthorne greatRead MoreTheme Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter759 Words   |  4 PagesEssay About Secret Sin In the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, made in the 1800s and takes place in the 1700s. The novel, the Scarlet Letter is about a woman, Hester Prynne, who committed adultery in a Puritan society. She is punished for committing her sin by have the letter â€Å"A† in scarlet sewn onto her bosom, The â€Å"A† standing for adultery and is scarlet, representing sex, sin and, evil. Hesters husband has mysteriously never arrived to the colony, assumed to be at the bottom of the seaRead MoreA Romantic View Of Hester Prynne Essay1316 Words   |  6 PagesArthur Final Draft A Romantic View of Hester Prynne Individualism, emotion and the purity and simplicity of nature are at the foundation of American Romanticism. Essays such as Thoreau’s Walden and Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance† call on humans to look inward and avoid conformity in order to find meaning and purpose in life. Nathaniel Hawthorne is also sympathetic to these ideals, but in The Scarlet Letter, he conveys them in the format of a novel where one of his main characters, Hester Prynne, is surroundedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Writings Of Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, And Edgar Allan Poe1335 Words   |  6 Pagesthree of them are known for their short essays and their advocacy to make writing a full-fledged and legitimate profession. Their writings show that they were hugely influenced by the Romantic Movement (romanticism); ‘a movement in art, literature, music, philosophy, politics and culture towards focusing on the individual, the subjective, and the spontaneous’ (Dincer 218). Roma nticist writing â€Å"encouraged contemplation and self-awareness, direct contact with nature, and a focus on and an exploration ofRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne960 Words   |  4 PagesJack Joseph Ms. Lagan English 3H 13 August 2014 The novel, The Scarlet Letter, was written by the author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was published in 1850 (1). It is a story about the Puritan settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, set around 1650 (2). The story is written in the third person with the narrator being the author. The common thread that runs through this novel is Hawthorne’s apparent understanding of the beliefs and culture of the Puritans in America at that time. But Hawthorne is writingRead More Hesters Psychological Alienation in The Scarlet Letter Essay1332 Words   |  6 PagesHesters Psychological Alienation in The Scarlet Letter       Throughout his book The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne is preoccupied with the relationship between the individual and society. Hesters sin and subsequent condemnation alienate her. No where is this alienation more apparent than in Chapter 5, Hester at her Needle. Condemned by her sin of passion, Hester is   separated from her community, not only physically, as she lives on the edge of the town, but also

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Seven Environmental Principles Free Essays

string(58) " constitution must have the following characteristics: 1\." I. Definition and Importance of Political Science These are the varied definitions of Political Science as it originally emphasized by the Greek term â€Å"polis† for city-state and â€Å"scire† means to â€Å"know†: 1) It is the science that studies the political power and authority of the state and government. 2) It is the systematic study of the institution, organization, processes and laws of the government. We will write a custom essay sample on Seven Environmental Principles or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3) It is the study of politics that may influence the government structures and processes in a given society. ) It is how the branches of government perform the various political task such as the delivery of basic services. 5) It is the exercise of sovereign political right of the state and government to carry its task for the improvement of quality of life in the society Generally, the importance of political science is the application of political powers and authority in the realm of government structures. The ordinary citizens may know and learn about their political rights and privileges from a given form of government including the political structure and processes of the state. 1. The knowledge of human rights and privileges will educate the citizens about their role in the political affairs of the state particularly in political rights : a) The right to vote (suffrage);b) The constitutional rights and privileges ( due process of law); c) the right in providing the basic services such as education, health and sanitation, employment and other public support. 2. The study of political science motivates the citizens to participate in the political activities of the state as to achievement the development thrust of the government in relation to the improvement of quality of life. . The political science concepts on democracy, dictatorship and power structures give the citizen full understanding as to the consequences on the individual political action as defined by the political power and authority of the state. 4. The concept of politics may well be studied in the political science not simply in the art of persuasion and influence that the citizens learn about al so how these political concept area applied in the society. 5. The comprehensive study on the branches, forms and systems of government provide the individual better understanding in the concept of separation of powers, parliamentary system, diplomatic immunity, human rights, general welfare, social services From the understandings of these basic concepts of government, state, laws and institutions those who would study political science must know its importance and function, relationship with other discipline and broader understanding to its specific roles of individual in a civilized society. The students and professionals should not only know the political theories but also deeper insights as to its application in their own field of expertise. Thus the study of political science will also include the empirical investigation of political facts through social research and the application of critical thinking. The key words in the comprehensive analysis on the principles of political science are state, government, law, institution, power relationships, legal process, constitutions and politics. These are the important dimensions to study political science that need to be constantly in touch to mold the citizens in achieving quality of life to our society. Definition: Political science is the academic subject centering on the relations between governments and other governments, and between governments and peoples. II. state   (stt) n. 1. A condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances: a state of confusion. 2. A condition of being in a stage or form, as of structure, growth, or development: the fetal state. 3. A mental or emotional condition: in a manic state. 4. Informal A condition of excitement or distress. 5. Physics The condition of a physical system with regard to phase, form, composition, or structure: Ice is the solid state of water. 6. Social position or rank. 7. Ceremony; pomp: foreign leaders dining in state at the White House. 8. a. The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity. b. The sphere of supreme civil power within a given polity: matters of state. 9. A specific mode of government: the socialist state. 10. A body politic, especially one constituting a nation: the states of Eastern Europe. 11. One of the more or less internally autonomous territorial and political units composing a federation under a sovereign government: the 48 contiguous states of the Union. adj. 1. Of or relating to a body politic or to an internally autonomous territorial or political unit constituting a federation under one government: a monarch dealing with state matters; the department that handles state security. 2. Owned and operated by a state: state universities. r. v. stat ·ed, stat ·ing, states To set forth in words; declare. III. gov ·ern ·ment ? ? [guhv-ern-muhnt, ? er-muhnt] Show IPA noun 1. the political direction and control  exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc. ; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society. 2. the form or syste m of rule by which  a state, community, etc. , is governed: monarchical government; episcopal government. . the governing body of persons in a state, community, etc. ; administration. 4. a branch or service of the supreme authority of a state or nation, taken as representing the whole: a dam built by the government. 5. (in some parliamentary systems, as that of the United Kingdom) a. the particular group of persons forming the cabinet at any given time: The Prime Minister has formed a new government. b. the parliament along with the cabinet: The government has fallen. IV. con ·sti ·tu ·tion ? ? [kon-sti-too-shuhn, -tyoo-] Show IPA noun 1. he way in which  a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition: the chemical constitution of the cleanser. 2. the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc. : He has a strong constitution. 3. Medicine/Medical, Psychology . the aggregate of a person’s physical and psychological characteristics. 4. the act or p rocess of constituting;   establishment. 5. the state of being constituted;   formation. V. A good written constitution must have the following characteristics: 1. You read "Seven Environmental Principles" in category "Essay examples" ) Broad A constitution must be broad in its scope because it utlines the organization of the government for the whole state. A statement of provisions and functions of the government, and of the relations between the governing body and the governed, requires a comprehensive document. 2. ) Brief A constitution must be brief because it is not the place in which the details of organization should be set forth. Some constitutions have been marred by the inclusion of pure regulation. 3. ) Definite The constitution must be definite. In a statement of principles of underlying the essential nature of a state any vagueness hich may lead to opposing interpretations of essential features may cause incalculable harm. Civil war and the disruption of the state m ay conceivably follow from ambiguous expressions in a constitution. VI. Different types of constitutions Introduction There is no doubt that each society has political activity that connects with its social, economic, geographic and political conditions, as well as constitutional studies come at the top of the legal studies due to the subject of the constitutional law connects directly with life and cares of all citizens in the state, rulers or subjects. If the constitutional law cares with the rulers from one corner, but it determines the general aspect of authorities and regime of the governing in the state and draws the limits for specification to each authority and its relations with others. Whatever point of view, there is no dispute on importance of the constitutional law because it cares with the rulers and subjects and upgrades to the top place. The constitution is a set of the legal rules organize entity of the state and human society that exists among definite geographic space regarding with constitution and legal rules are in permanent and continues movement. Customary Constitutions And Written Constitutions It’s known that the rules regarding with any political system of any state, it will be two ways, either resulting from customary without writing out any formal texts, in this case it’s said there is customary constitution. The second case it may be wrote down in formal document that is made to be known at the all (Dr. Sabri, Said). So that there two types that are customary constitutions and written constitutions. Customary Constitution The customary is considered the oldest formal resources of the legal rule. It remained the sole source of the constitutional rules in the world till 18th century. It is theoretic and needed source, whereas gives binding force to the legal rule in the performance. (Dr. Abu Steet, A). English constitution is the clearest example for such type of the constitutional laws because the constitutional laws were formed by the customary in Britain that often represents still constitutional rules. Customary ruels include other written constitutional rules embody in the â€Å"the Greatest Era† of year 1215 A. D. â€Å"Magna Carta and Bill Rights† of year 1689, and Parliament Act in 1911. Although such constitutional documents vary in Britain, it is not sufficient for political regime in the state that determined by customary rules in general. (Bashir, M. Ibid, page 42). The cause may be that England takes the customary constitution, this is referred to nature of the English people itself who intends to develop its rules and laws quietly without violent, as well as constitutional history began in England early. Moreover, the causes that called most of the countries to take with written constituions that were not available in English regime. (Al Sha’r, R. ). The importance of customary rules in the English constitution appears in survey the field that prevailed by it. Because of the English constitution is a set of the systems are often emerged in permanent customaries as long as new necessities made. If the customary rules took great importance in establishing of the constitutional laws in non written constitutions of the countries. Such rules and laws are emerged as a result of following up a public authority in the definite country relating with habit of the any target of the constitutional law without any contrary of the other authorities till it remains in the minds of the people had to respect such rules, consequently it adds binding feature. Written Constitutions The first written constitutions were English colonies constitutions in the North America after its freedom in 1776, USA Constitution in 1787 that still remains. Since written constitutions appeared, the idea of constitution liberty prevailed to be a tool for freedom whereas it remains with specific right for the citizen. The idea of written constitution transferred from America to France till it made the first written constitution on 3 September 1791, then coveyed into the remaining European countries. After that range of the written constitution expanded in First World War as well as expanded into the Arabian countries. Consequently, the written constitution acquired political sense because it connects closely with definite matter of the government. According to that written constitutions add on the constitutions rules emphasizing and determining. (Dr. Bashir, M). Flexible And Rigid Constitutions Explainers indicated that flexible constitution that is can be amended by the authorities and with procedures may need for the ordinary laws. When there is flexible constitution such England Constitution, this means that there is no any constitution from the form aspect because there is no any conditions vary between the constitution amendments and ordinary legislation amendment, so that establishing authority mixes with legislative authority. As per the rigid constitution, it can’t be amended but by authorities and different procedures than such methods that amend the ordinary laws. Whereas as amendment of the rigid constitution vary here than method of the flexible constitution amendment. On the second hand, the rigid constitution has firmness feature as a result of the special procedures that are shall be regarded at amendment of its items. As per the flexible constitution doesn’t stipulate definite procedure that should be regarded to amend. Bashir, Al Shafei Mohammed). This doesn’t mean that the constitution can’t be touched totally and it can’t ever amended, but it means making and amendment it. In short, I can sum that the Standard can be taken for the difference between the flexible and rigid constitutions in as difficulty and complexity in amendment of the rigid constitution, if this difficulty increases, it will be rigid constitution, while this difficulty decreases, it will be half rigid or half flexible. Constitutional Convention It may appear along with written constitution practical needs in which written constitutional rules doesn’t complicate; in this case constitutional convention appears along with constitutional flexible rules officially. This convention may interpret or complete deficit in the constitution, but some says that the constitutional convention may be amended as constitutional item. The constitutional convention emerges along with written constitution and it consists with physical and spiritual article, i. e. with following up definite custom then is followed till to be binding matter. Such customs are emerged by political life in the country to exist to the written constitution as complementary or amended rules to some its items. Accordingly, the constitutional convention is either interpretation or complementary, or amended to some items of the constitution. In the interpretation custom, the customs performs with interpreter for ambiguity of the constitutional text. To raise this role, it’s supposed there is ambiguity constitutional text, as well as it shows way of application of the texts and conditions. Among examples of the interpreter custom what is made in accordance with French Constitution 1875. As per complementary custom, it overcomes interpreter custom role to play affected role along with written text, it represents in establishing new decision. As shown from its name, complementary custom may emerge to handle deficit problem of the written constitutional text because it supposes that the constitution neglects specific matter. In short that complementary constitution is unlike interpreter custom because it doesn’t relay on constitution item, and also it establish new constitutional rule. Among examples is French constitution 1875 provided that election shall be the ballot, and the custom completed this item whereas the election was directly and one degree. (Abu Al Magd, Ahmed Kamal). As per amended custom, that works to amend the constitutional text, it doesn’t limited to its ambiguity as interpreter custom or complete what is required of deficit as complete custom, but it aims at amendment of constitutional text and abrogate it provision and add new provision or cancel the standing text. Legal Value Of The Constitutional Convention The jurists vary in determine of the legal value of the constitutional convention. Some of them say that its value may be over the constitutional texts, equals to be established in accordance flexible or rigid constitution. But others say that interpreter constitution convention takes degree of the written constitutional text that is emerged beside it. As types of the other constitutional custom takes degree of ordinary law. Reference of this difference is that interpreter constitutional convention doesn’t establish new constitutional rule other than types. (Hashish, A. H. Dar-al-Nahda Al-‘Arabia). Conclusion In conclusion, I can confirm that there is no any state can live without law and there is not law without sovereignty. So that sovereignty of the law represents in our belief distinctive standard of the state then others of human communities. Sovereignty of the law is not slogans but it is fact shall be committed and obligated till the people find it before them in their daily life. There is no doubt that constitutional law is the first laws. Emphasizing that protection of the constitution from frivolity is to protect of entity of the state. How to cite Seven Environmental Principles, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Economics for Journal of Civil Engineering-myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theEconomics for Journal of Civil Engineering. Answer: "Rich people will carry on paying---it'll have no effecton them." The London Congestion Charge, which was implemented in 2003, for the vehicles operating in the Congestion Charge Zones of the region, is currently amounted to 11.50 pounds each day for those vehicles, which are of non-exempt vehicles. For non-payment a penalty of 65 to 195 pounds is imposed on the defaulter. This charge though seems moderately high for daily travelling, is not expected to affect the rich people of the country. The people falling in the uppermost income sector of the country, consisting of the upper ten percent of total population of the country, in terms of income, is seen to have an average income of 107,937 pounds. This in comparison to the bottom ten percent is huge as their average income is nearly 4,436 pounds (Dudley, 2013). Therefore, it is not a big deal for the richest section of the country to spend 11.50 pounds daily for their travelling purposes and the charge would not affect them significantly. They can also afford to buy all-electric cars, which are completely exempted. However, the upper middle class people of the region, though can afford the charge, will not be happily agreeing to pay the same and there will be some implications of the charge on their travelling habits (Givoni, 2012). "There should be an exemption for low paid and marketworkers." According to the currently existing rates in the Congestion Charge system in London, the non-exempted vehicles are charged an amount of 11.50 pounds daily for travelling in the Congestion Charge Zone. In addition to this the older vehicles, which contribute more to the pollution of the environment, under the rule, has to pay an extra amount of ten pounds over the usual charge of 11.50 pounds for traveling in the Congestion Charge Zone in this region (Zheng et al., 2014) . This is expected to be hurting for those low paid and usual market workers who need to travel in this region every day to earn their daily breads. Many of them use old cars and it may be too costly for them to buy new and less polluting vehicles to get exemptions. On the other hand, they may try to avail public transports in order to avoid paying the congestion charge. However, this on the other hand increases the congestion in the public transport and their availability may become a problem itself. Paying 11.50 pounds everyday can also be taxing on these low paid workers. In this context, exemptions or at least lower charges for these workers can be beneficial for them (Fan, 2015). References Dudley, G. (2013). Why do ideas succeed and fail over time? The role of narratives in policy windows and the case of the London congestion charge.Journal of European Public Policy,20(8), 1139-1156. Fan, W. (2015). Optimal congestion pricing toll design for revenue maximization: comprehensive numerical results and implications.Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,42(8), 544-551. Givoni, M. (2012). Re-assessing the results of the London congestion charging scheme.Urban Studies,49(5), 1089-1105. Zheng, Z., Liu, Z., Liu, C., Shiwakoti, N. (2014). Understanding public response to a congestion charge: A random-effects ordered logit approach.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,70, 117-134.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Symbolism of Religion and Comparison Analysis Essay Example For Students

The Symbolism of Religion and Comparison Analysis Essay In comparing the books Confession of the Jews and First Confession,I have found there to be similarities and differences. For example, FirstConfession deals with a boy converting from a boy to a young man by going toconfession and telling his sins for the first time. Conversion of the Jewsdeals with converting a boy into someone he has never really seen which was afree thinker which only older people usually do. In Conversion of the Jews Ozzie, who was the main character, had aproblem with getting along with the priest Rabbi Binder at Hebrew School. RabbiBinder didnt really like Ozzie because he was always asking a lot of questionsand Rabbi Binder was always getting angry at him. In First Confession Jackie,the main character, also had a problem. Jackies problem was similar to Ozzies,but also different. Jackie had a problem with his sister Nora. Nora believedthat Jackie was always lying and being bad. On his confession day his mothersent Nora go with Jackie. Nora ordered Jackie to tell all of his sins, includinghow he was mean to the grandmother who lived with them. We will write a custom essay on The Symbolism of Religion and Comparison Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ozzie seemed troubled to Rabbi Binder in Conversion of the Jews. Inreality Jackie wasnt bad at all, he was just a boy who wanted answers to hisquestions. And that was proved when Ozzie asked a question in class and RabbiBinder went crazy and hit Ozzie because he thought Ozzie was trying to be a wiseguy. So Ozzie tried to prove a point to Rabbi Binder and his fellow classmatesby running to the roof and making believe he was going to jump. With Ozziebeing on the roof it gave Rabbi Binder a bigger belief that Ozzie was crazy andtroubled. Ozzie wasnt really crazy, he was just trying to make a point that hereally wasnt dumb. Ozzie just wanted to believe that there was really a Christ. So with the point that Ozzie was trying to make helped to convert everyone andtheir beliefs. Jackie, like Ozzie, was also troubled in First Confession. He was ayoung boy who lived with his family, including the grandmother. Jackie believedthe grandmother didnt like him very much, so he did mean things to her likehide under the table when she cooked dinner. When it came time for his firstconfession he went with his sister Nora. Nora tormented Jackie and scared himinto believing he was a sinner and he will pay for all of his sins. Jackie wasnot as bad as Nora made him out to be, he was just being a normal young boy. When Jackies turn was up to make his confession, he was unsure of what to do sohe did what he thought was right but messed up and ended up humiliating Nora. In reality the priest did not find anything wrong with what Jackie did, thepriest actually found it to be very amusing. Jackie went ahead and told hissins and ended up only having to say three hail Marys. Nora was in completeshock and could not believe such a sinner got off with such an easy penance, butJackie did and also made good friends with the priest. Religion was very important in both stories. First Confession dealswith being in church and telling sins to a priest which is what most Catholicspractice in a catholic church. In Conversion of the Jews the children went toHebrew School which was a way for the Jews to practice their religion. The twostories are different in religion ways but they are the same for the ways theypreach and how it is taught. .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 , .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .postImageUrl , .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 , .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:hover , .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:visited , .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:active { border:0!important; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:active , .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7 .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u014143467c33720a66431b5bf138a9b7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Trifles By Susan Glaspel EssayIn comparing the two boys, I would have to say that they are verysimilar in ways of their conscience. Ozzie was scared to get in trouble and hedid not do it on purpose but it always happened that he did get in trouble. Hejust wanted to be taught about his religion the right way but he felt he nevergot the answers he needed to his questions which led him to the roof. He knewit was not right for him to jump off the roof, so he just tormented everyoneinto thinking he was going to jump. He had a guilty conscience because he kneweveryone was starting to worry, but he stayed until he proved his point. As forJackie, I believe his sister Nora gave him a conscience. She made him believehe was very bad and only sinned all the time. He did not feel so bad when hewas doing the wrong things, but he did feel bad when it was time to confess. Even though he had a conscience of believing he was bad, the priest did notthink he was so bad. By telling the priest all of his sins, Jackie was relievedof his guilty conscience and was finally able to feel good about himself. Not only was their conscience that made them similar, but also theiridentity. Ozzie and Jackie both found who they were in the two stories. Ozziealways believed he was just a trouble maker because that is what he always heard,but I knew he really was not a trouble maker. Ozzie did what he did for apurpose including going to the roof. Being on the roof helped him realize whatwas going on around him. It helped him realize who he was and what he wasbecoming. Ozzie was just a boy wanting to learn without getting into trouble. Jackie found who he was while telling the priest his sins, all of them. Jackiereally was not bad, everyone just told him that he was all the time, so that iswhat he started believing. He was just a boy doing and acting how young boys act. All little kids, including girls, are not perfect, so how can anyone expectJackie to be perfect. Just because Nora believed she was perfect does not meanJackie is bad because he does not follow how Nora acts. Jackie found his trueself while telling the priest all of his sins, which made him feel he canactually live with himself. Reading both stories gave me a sense of what both religions are like. Im catholic and already know what it is like to go to confession, but I neverhad an experience like Jackie. I am very familiar with the Jewish religion, butnever heard of Ozzies experience, not that it even happens in everyday life. Category: Religion

Monday, November 25, 2019

Rhythm In William Blakes London

Rhythm In William Blakes London Rhythm In William Blake's Poem "London"Rhythm, in a most basic sense, is a pattern of recurring sounds in the different syllables of words. Rhythm acts as a kind of "invisible framework" to poetry as it can only be heard and cannot be seen. George Puttenham describes the effect of rhythm as "(Something) to inveigle and appasionate the mind" (Mason and Nims 201), which succeeds in demonstrating the essence of rhythms role in poetry.William Blake's poem entitled, "London" uses rhythm to reinforce the ideas conveyed in the poem by employing diction that mimics the confined and restricted feeling conveyed by the bleakness in the streets of London. Beginning with the poems title, we expect a poem to be descriptive or a reminiscence of a particular time or place. The word "London" traditionally evokes images of Buckingham Palace or the royal family, yet Blake's poem makes no mention of either of these images and instead draws attention to the nuances in connotation.English: One of William Blake's watercolour illust...In this case, Blake focuses on the bleak quality of life in London rather than the great palace or the elite royalty."London" was written in 1794, during the time of the French Revolution. The revolution led to political panic, causing authorities in England to muffle various freedoms that had been afforded to its citizens, which ultimately created a country of strict regulations and increasing unhappiness.Blake's poem does not turn its back on the blackened streets of London, but instead guides us through the midnight streets, all the while painting the picture of a dark and dirty London. As the speaker wanders through the streets, he takes note of the frailty and grief that he sees in the faces of the people that he meets. He...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

UK Political System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

UK Political System - Essay Example Fifth, there is a two-party system which keeps the party in power continually on its guard lest the Opposition should make political capital out of just one of its tumbles on policy; sixth and last, there is a culture of democracy that preceded formal establishment of democratic institutions. Parenthetically, checks and balances are a lot more than mere separation of powers: the essence of the latter is autonomy for every branch, which can only ensure that one branch of the government does not poach on the particular preserves of endeavour of any other. But checks and balances ensure that no branch of the Constitution lets another overreach its powers. For example, parliament makes laws and the judiciary interprets them in the light of the Constitution, even though in the case of Duport Steel versus Sirs in 1980 the judges said "it is parliament's opinion on these matters that is paramount". Interestingly, under the British Constitution judges cannot be removed from office except by impeachment which has been very rare. Also, the executive is discouraged from criticising judicial decision. The US President is often called the world's most powerful functionary. However, the federal structure of the USA curbs his powers. That, at least in theory, is not the case with the British Prime Minister. The powers of Congress and the Supreme Court balance those that a President might exercise; the US Constitution lays down what the President can and cannot do, and the codified document can be changed only by the Supreme Court. Such constraints do not obtain in the UK; the general powers exercised by a British Prime Minister include that to appoint, reshuffle or dismiss Cabinet ministers, create peers in the House of Lords, give out honours, appoint ambassadors, top civil servants, bishops and judges, determine government business and Cabinet discussions and agendas, withhold information from parliament deemed necessary, use the media via a lobby system, terminate the life of a government and call a general election. Thus, the British Prime Minister would appear to have abundant powers. . The Prime Minister's position as leader of the majority party in the House of Commons, together with his position as head of government, thus combining legislative and executive powers, apparently amount to immense accretion of power. Additionally, many of the Prime Minister's powers derive from the prerogative powers of the Monarch. These extensive powers are wielded independently of parliament, and effectively give every Prime Minister the powers of a head of State, which include being in charge of the armed forces and security services, negotiating treaties. All this suggests that the Prime Minister can act like a virtual autocrat. Constraints However, this is not so, as there are constraints on his/her powers. For instance, he/she cannot afford to be seen to surround himself/herself with "nodding donkeys", as a political commentator put it. The party he/she leads will not

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A partnership agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A partnership agreement - Essay Example While such procedure will be effective in prevention of future conflicts, it has been found that conflicts are inevitable due to changes in laws and circumstances. It is also impossible to document every aspect of the partnership and as such, the document needs to be flexible enough to allow the inclusion of changing needs and circumstances of the partnership. Partnership agreements may need to be modified in the instance of divorce settlements, which may lead to the family members of a partner receiving shares, bankruptcy, death, retirement, disability, translocation of a partner, a partner intending to sell after getting a nice offer, debts taken out on the partnership. All of these reasons make strong the argument for the partnership agreement to be made flexible.Divorce Settlements  At the time of getting into marriage, many partners overlook many of the provisions of a partnership agreement. In most instances, it is assumed that divorce or separation will not occur.. However, it has to be acknowledged that divorce and separation are an inevitable occurrence of modern life. It is thus important that since the marital circumstances of the partners may change in the future the partnership agreement be flexible enough to allow the inclusion for the changing circumstances. It s estimated that about a million of the businesses in the US are co owned by wife and husbands in a partnership. That being said it is inevitable that conflicts will arise in instances of divorce or separation of the couple.... All of these reasons make strong the argument for the partnership agreement to be made flexible. Divorce Settlements At the time of getting into marriage, many partners overlook many of the provisions of a partnership agreement. In most instances, it is assumed that divorce or separation will not occur.. However, it has to be acknowledged that divorce and separation are an inevitable occurrence of modern life. It is thus important that since the marital circumstances of the partners may change in the future the partnership agreement be flexible enough to allow the inclusion for the changing circumstances. It s estimated that about a million of the businesses in the US are co owned by wife and husbands in a partnership. That being said it is inevitable that conflicts will arise in instances of divorce or separation of the couple. To add on to that many of the people who enter into business partnerships with other people other than their spouses are usually married. The resources broug ht into the business may thus be considered to belong to the family. Upon divorce, the couple may be required by law to divide the shares in the business in the interests of justice. A partnership agreement that does not take into account such things as divorce may thus need to be amended in order to accommodate the new dispensation. This is best exemplified in Estate of Cohen v. Booth Computers in which Cohen was suing her husband over shares held jointly by both of them. The judge ruled that Cohen was entitled to a share in the company by virtue of marriage since there was no express provision in the partnership agreement that was against such as scenario (Mahler, 2011). Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is the inability of a person to pay

Monday, November 18, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 52

Journal - Essay Example We made rounds, collect data and encouraged non-compliant staff to follow hand hygiene protocols. Met with my infection control personnel. Task-made rounds with engineering staff to install hand sanitizers and hand washing soap dispensers in identified strategic areas. Also made rounds on all inpatient units to collect raw data on staff hand hygiene compliance Attended infection control departmental meeting. Main topic was the upcoming hand hygiene initiative. The manager stated that it will be an organizational wide challenge to raise awareness and hopefully improve and meet the target goal on hand hygiene. Continued to raise awareness and encourage health care providers through consistent patrol to the inpatient units. It is refreshing to know that employee compliance is on the rise due to proper education, accessible soap, water or hand sanitizer, and reinforced messages among staff members, patients and their families. Weeks 4 through week 7 have been very busy at my clinical site. For a start, I attended a mandatory leadership meeting held by the new Assistant Vise-President (AVP) for Patient Care Services. The take home from this meeting was for all leaders to collaborate effectively in building a strong foundation for the organization. In effect, it would encourage the need to improve our patient satisfaction by employing basic nursing care at the bedside. Later that afternoon, the infection Control manager assigned me to work with one of his staff members. Our job was to go to all inpatient units and take data regarding hand hygiene compliance. He informed me on an upcoming initiative to create/raise an organizational wide awareness to improve to improve hand hygiene. Among the tasks, we were to carry out included making rounds, collecting data and encouraging non-compliant staff to follow hand hygiene protocols. Through the last three weeks, this has been the focus

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Factors Affecting Survival in Patients With Brain Metastasis

Factors Affecting Survival in Patients With Brain Metastasis Prognostic factors affecting the survival in patients with brain metastasis: A Retrospective study Abstract Aims: To determine long term survival and prognostic factors in patients with brain metastases who underwent whole brain radiotherapy. Introduction: Multiple brain metastases are unfortunate consequence, frequently found in patients of advanced cancer. The prognosis, even after treatment with Whole-Brain Radiation Therapy (WBRT) is poor with an average expected survival time of Materials methods: From January 2005 to August 2010, medical records of 186 patients with diagnosis of brain metastasis were analyzed. Out of these, 140 patients who received WBRT Â ± chemotherapy were included and 26 patients who did not take any treatment for brain metastasis were excluded from the study. The prognostic factors evaluated for overall survival were ECOG performance status, gender, age, number of lesions, primary tumor site, primary tumor status, extracranial metastases and chemotherapy radiotherapy. Results: The overall median survival was three months and one two year survival was 8.57% and 3.57%, respectively. The most common primary tumor site was lung 82 (44.08%) followed by breast 46 (24.73%), renal cell carcinoma 11 (5.91%) and unknown primary 11 (5.91%). The overall median survival was 3 months, maximum being 4.5 months in patients with breast cancer. and at one year survival 6/33(18.2%) in breast cancer patients (p=0.10). In this series, the patients with higher perform status (p=0.21), cancer breast (p=0.10) and solitary brain metastasis (p=0.0003) with primary tumor controlled (p=0.14) had better survival. Conclusion: This study suggests that patients with some prognostic factors have good survival. So the overall assessment of the patient is always best done at the bedside and must be individualized. The above mentioned clinical features should be considered and hopefully will aid in the decision regarding treatment of brain metastases. Key words: Brain metastasis, prognostic factors, solitary metastasis, whole brain radiotherapy. Introduction Brain metastasis is one of the most feared consequences of cancer. It is devastating both to patients and their families. Progression of brain metastases may cause headache, nausea, vomiting, neurological deficits, cognitive decline, delirium and eventually death. Patients with brain metastases present dilemma for palliative health care professionals in terms of whether to proceed with whole brain radiotherapy or hospice placement. Metastasis to the brain occurs in approximately 20% of the patients with limited survival and worse quality of life. [1] Glucocorticoids and whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) has been the mainstay of treatment while craniotomy for tumor resection has been the standard local treatment for solitary lesion. The median survival of untreated patients is approximately one month, 1.6 months in patients treated with steroids only, 3.6 months in patients treated with radiotherapy and 8.9 months in patients treated with neurosurgery followed by radiotherapy. [2, 3] So me of the strong prognostic factors for survival are: performance status, response to steroids and status of systemic disease. The main goal of WBRT is to improve neurologic deficits caused by the metastases and surrounding edema and to prevent any further deterioration of the neurologic function. The extent of improvement after WBRT is directly related to the time from diagnosis to radiation therapy and early treatment is generally associated with a better outcome. [4, 5] The overall response rate to WBRT ranges from 50-85% in various studies. Traditionally, surgical resection has been offered rarely to patients with multiple metastases because of resection related excessive morbidity. The majority of patients who achieved control of cranial metastasis died from progressive extracranial disease whereas the cause of death in most of the cases is due to CNS disease in patients with recurrent brain metastases. [4, 6] In this study, the prognostic factors were evaluated for survival in patients with diagnosis of brain metastasis who receive WBRT. Materials Methods The records of 186 patients with brain metastases in between January 2005 to August 2010 were analyzed retrospectively. Out of these, 46 patients not willing for radiotherapy and who chose only best supportive care were not included in the study. All the remaining 140 patients were planned WBRT after starting dexamethasone, mannitol and other supportive treatment. With diagnosis of brain metastasis, the following variables were analyzed for survival: ECOG performance status, gender, age, number of brain lesions, primary tumor site (Table 2), extra cranial metastases, treatment of primary disease and radiotherapy (Table-1). The survival time was considered as time between diagnosis of brain metastasis and last follow up or recorded death. Brain metastases were detected by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance image (MRI) scan. All patients were treated with WBRT on telecobalt units Therateron 780 C and 780 E. The WBRT was given by bilateral fields. The total dose was 30-36 Gy with a median of 30 Gy delivered in two weeks, five fractions per week 3 Gy per fraction. The supportive care (dexamethasone mannitol) was started at the beginning of treatment and continued during radiotherapy. Chemotherapy was administered to the patients with good performance status and progressive systemic disease after WBRT. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for windows, version 20.0. Results One hundred forty patients were analyzed who completed WBRT and came for follow up. The survival results were computed by recorded deaths (97 cases) or last follow up (43 cases). The overall median survival was 3 months, and the one two year survival was 12 (8.57%) and 5 (3.57%). One patient of carcinoma breast (primary under control) with brain metastasis was alive at the time of this analysis with survival time of 4.2 years. Those patients who had solitary brain metastasis (p=0.0003), high ECOG performance status (p=0.21), controlled extracranial disease (p=0.14) and breast carcinoma (p=0.10) had better survival (Table 2 3). The single most significant prognostic factor associated with better survival was solitary brain metastasis (p=0.0003). Discussion With gradual improvements in the care of cancer patients, longer survival is expected even in patients with metastatic disease. In this study, patients with brain metastases who received WBRT alone or WBRT followed by chemotherapy were evaluated. Studies of ultra rapid fractionated WBRT (10 Gy in 1 fraction, 12 Gy in 2 fractions, 15 Gy in 2 fractions over 3 days) as carried out by Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) and other investigators showed a possible increased risk of herniation and death within a few days after treatment and are generally avoided. Likewise, no advantage was seen with extended fractionation (50Gy in 20 fractions or 54.4Gy at 1.6Gy twice daily) compared to the more commonly prescribed 30Gy in 10 fractions. [6, 7, 8, 9] Regimens using 10 or fewer fractions are used in patients with poor prognosis, since such patients are not expected to live long enough to experience serious side effects. The institutional protocol followed in our patients is 30 Gy in10 fractions, 3 Gy per fraction but in patients with good general condition and primary disease under control having solitary brain metastasis, the dose was escalated by 6 Gy to give total tumor dose of 36 Gy. The end point of this study was to evaluate the different prognostic factors related with overall survival in patients with brain metastasis. The prognostic factors associated with better survival were solitary metastasis (p=0.0003), breast carcinoma (p=0.10), female sex (p=0.12), primary under control (p=0.14), higher ECOG performance status (p=0.21). These prognostic factors have also showed better survival in other studies. [7, 10, 11, 12, 13] Out of above mentioned prognostic factors only solitary brain metastasis was statistically significant (p=0.0003); other factors could not show statistical significance which may be due to small number of study sample. Lutterbach et al reported overall median survival of 3.4 months, two yea and three years survival were 5.6% (n=48) and 2.9% (n=25), respectively. [14] Survival of two years or more was observed in RTOG recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) class 1 2 patients. Within both classes, survival was significantly better for patients with a single brain metastasis compared with those having multiple brain metastases. In our study, the overall median survival was 3 months, and the one two year survival was 8.57% (n=12) and 3.57% (n=5), respectively and solitary brain metastases survival was significantly better than multiple metastasis (p=0.0003). There is small difference in two years survival in both studies because in our study, no patient received Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS); however, a larger recently published trial (RTOG 95-08) provides compelling evidence for the use of SRS boost following WBRT in patients with newly diagnosed one to three brain metastases. [15] In other recent studies, the role of WBRT following definitive treatment (surgery or SRS) of one to three metastases was most extensively evaluated in a trial conducted by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC 22952-26001) which was presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in 2009 . In that trial, 359 patients with one to three brain metastases were randomly assigned to WBRT or observation following definitive treatment of their metastases with either SRS (n = 199) or surgery (n = 160). Despite the better control of the brain metastases, overall survival was virtually the same following WBRT (median 10.7 and 10.9 months). [16] Pease NJ et al showed that patient’s survival with WBRT was increased by an additional three to seven months from unselected group (three to six months) if they are in the high performance status group. [17] For those in poor performance status groups, there was no overall survival benefit. In our study, ECOG performance status 1 2 had better overall median survival (3.4 months) and one year survival (7.85%) as compared to ECOG status 3 and 4 (p=0.21). Lagerwaaed FJ et al reported that lesser systemic tumor activity was showed better median survival ranges from 6.6 months for the ‘none’ group (no extracranial disease) to 3.4 months in the ‘limited’ group and 2.4 months in the ‘extensive’ group (primary uncontrolled other systemic metastasis). [18] In our study, overall survival was 2.2 months 4 months in active primary disease and controlled primary with or without systemic metastases respectively. In our study, female showed better survival than male patients (p=0.12). This may be due to all breast cancer cases were females and breast cases showed better survival than others. Other studies did not show gender related survival difference. Conclusion WBRT continues to be an efficacious treatment in the management of brain metastasis. Despite the use of WBRT, outcomes are poor and efforts should be made to incorporate multimodality approaches including surgery, radiosurgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy sensitizers to improve survival mainly in patients with single metastasis, good performance status and extra cranial disease controlled. References: Posner JB, Chernik NL. Intracranial metastases from systemic cancer. Adv Neurol 1978;19:579-92. Coia LR. The role of radiation therapy in the treatment of brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1992;23:229-38. Lagerwaard FJ, Levendag PC, Nowak PJ, Eijkenboom WM, Hanssens PE, Schmitz PI. Identification of prognostic factors in patients with brain metastases: A review of 1292 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999;43:795-803. Lassman AB, DeAngelis LM. Brain metastases. Neurol Clin 2003; 21:1-23. Patchell RA, Regine WF. The rationale for adjuvant whole brain radiation therapy with radiosurgery in the treatment of single brain metastases. 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Stereotactic radiosurgery plus whole brain radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone for patients with multiple brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999;45:427-34. Pease NJ, Edwards A, Moss LJ. Effectiveness of whole brain radiotherapy in the treatment of brain metastases: A systematic review. Palliat Med 2005;19:288-99. Lagerwaard FJ, Levendag PC. Prognostic factors in patients with brain metastases. Forum (Genova) 2001;11:27-46 Table 1: Characteristics of patients and treatment Table 2: Distribution of patients and one year survival with primary tumor site Table 3: Univariate analysis of characteristic of patients 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The possible link between culture, material conditions, and war Essay

The possible link between culture, material conditions, and war After the Second World War and finally after the Cold War and the Gulf War, many peo-ple agreed that there is no need for war anymore. Allies were conducted to maintain peace. But this belief was destroyed. Nowadays, we have to fear a war with Iraq. The question which rises is, if there is a possible link between culture, material conditions, and war? In my paper I will mention the anthropology of war and gender roles. Furthermore, I will discuss the interrelations between culture and war, and finally the interrelations between religion and war. The first question is, if there was war from the beginning of human kind on, or if war just was developed over time? This is a hard question, which nobody can explain exactly. The movie â€Å"The Gods must be crazy† (1984) could be one example that in an uncivilized, isolated society people cannot have war, because they do not have reasons to fight about. They have everything they need various times. That means, they do not have to share things and in conclusion, do not have to fight about things. In the Kalahari Desert a family of African Bushmen had a life in an ideal fashion in harmony and peace. One day somebody dropped a coke bottle out of an airplane down to the Kalahari Desert. This bottle leads to disharmony and violence among the family. All of a sudden they have to share this tool which â€Å"God sent them†. Nobody can work without this tool anymore. That is the reason why they start fighting. But why can people not share, or need to have what they want at onc e without the patience to wait? That’s the problem of human kind in a civilized world. Civilized people change the environment to suit them. The Kalahari Desert cou... ...volution, Males, and violence. The Chronicle of Higher Education 2002. Trexler. Backgrounds (Selections). John, Keegan. The Fact of Battle (Selections). Victor, Davis Hanson. Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the rise of Western Power. An-chor Books 2001. Rodney, Stark. One True God: Historical Consequences of Monotheism (Selection). Princeton University Press. Barrington, Moore, Jr. Moral Purity and Persecution in History (Selection). Princeton University Press Lawrence H., Keeley. War before Civilization. Oxford University Press 1996. Robert L., O’Connell. Ride of the Second Horseman. Oxford University Press 1995. Andrew, Sullivan. This is a religious war. New York Times 2001. Michael, Adams. Peter Pan’s great Adventure. Adams. Male Sacrifice and W.W.I.- to be a man. Jared, Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W.W. Norton & Company. The possible link between culture, material conditions, and war Essay The possible link between culture, material conditions, and war After the Second World War and finally after the Cold War and the Gulf War, many peo-ple agreed that there is no need for war anymore. Allies were conducted to maintain peace. But this belief was destroyed. Nowadays, we have to fear a war with Iraq. The question which rises is, if there is a possible link between culture, material conditions, and war? In my paper I will mention the anthropology of war and gender roles. Furthermore, I will discuss the interrelations between culture and war, and finally the interrelations between religion and war. The first question is, if there was war from the beginning of human kind on, or if war just was developed over time? This is a hard question, which nobody can explain exactly. The movie â€Å"The Gods must be crazy† (1984) could be one example that in an uncivilized, isolated society people cannot have war, because they do not have reasons to fight about. They have everything they need various times. That means, they do not have to share things and in conclusion, do not have to fight about things. In the Kalahari Desert a family of African Bushmen had a life in an ideal fashion in harmony and peace. One day somebody dropped a coke bottle out of an airplane down to the Kalahari Desert. This bottle leads to disharmony and violence among the family. All of a sudden they have to share this tool which â€Å"God sent them†. Nobody can work without this tool anymore. That is the reason why they start fighting. But why can people not share, or need to have what they want at onc e without the patience to wait? That’s the problem of human kind in a civilized world. Civilized people change the environment to suit them. The Kalahari Desert cou... ...volution, Males, and violence. The Chronicle of Higher Education 2002. Trexler. Backgrounds (Selections). John, Keegan. The Fact of Battle (Selections). Victor, Davis Hanson. Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the rise of Western Power. An-chor Books 2001. Rodney, Stark. One True God: Historical Consequences of Monotheism (Selection). Princeton University Press. Barrington, Moore, Jr. Moral Purity and Persecution in History (Selection). Princeton University Press Lawrence H., Keeley. War before Civilization. Oxford University Press 1996. Robert L., O’Connell. Ride of the Second Horseman. Oxford University Press 1995. Andrew, Sullivan. This is a religious war. New York Times 2001. Michael, Adams. Peter Pan’s great Adventure. Adams. Male Sacrifice and W.W.I.- to be a man. Jared, Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W.W. Norton & Company.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Who is Adrienne Rich

In these essays the writers back up there views with examples of how either man or woman has been oppressed throughout the history of education. While Adrienne Rich is talking mainly about the college system and David Thomas is talking about the school system in general, their views do conflict each other. Rich believes that women have been exploited throughout the history of time. Thomas on the other hand believes that by being forced to have women teachers has disadvantaged boys. Though these views do no directly conflict, they are pretty close. Rich tells why she feels that women have been oppressed and Thomas tells why he feels that boys have been disadvantaged. In Rich†s essay â€Å"What Does a Women Need to Know? † she argues that women have been demoralized throughout time. Rich says â€Å"when we think of what an independent women†s college might be: a college dedicated both to teaching women what women need to know and, by the same token, to changing the landscape of knowledge itself. (Rich 45) This means that she believes that women should be taught the skills that they will need to succeed in life as a wife and as a â€Å"self conscious, self-defining human being. † (Rich 45) She then gives examples of her life experiences and how her life experiences with men trying to force her to think and see things one way, and how she struggled to see things from a different perspective, â€Å"through the eyes of an outsider. † (Rich 46) She ends her speech by talking about how these women have to change the ways of the past and they have to step into the now and become educated of the past and present. She ends the speech with, â€Å"Get all of the knowledge and skill that you can in whatever professions you enter; but remember that most of your education must be self-education, in learning the things that women need to know and in calling up the voices we need to hear within ourselves. † (Rich 50) The David Thomas essay â€Å"The Mind of Man† is about how boys are shot down at an early age. In a writing from the Independent on Sunday Toney Mooney says â€Å"Women teachers find boys too noisy, too aggressive, too boisterous. Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more ‘feminine† behavior. If all this is true it is understandable that boys should not be as advanced as girls in the hands of woman junior school teachers. There is a direct relationship between a child†s academic achievement and a favorable response from the teacher. † (Thomas 339) To prove this fact there was an experiment done with seventy-two boys and sixty girls at kindergarten. They were taught to read on a self-teaching machine and then they were tested. The boys did better than the girls. Then they resumed normal classroom instruction by women teachers. The children were tested again and this time the boys† scores were lower than the girls. It is not a prejudice that women or men have against the children, it is a understanding of what the child is going through because the teacher has been in that position at one time in their lives. It is a common ground that the male teachers have with the male students and vice versa. Thomas talks about how a single sex environment is not always the answer either. He attended an all boys† boarding school and he was â€Å"taught in a system that was designed to bring the best out of boys, intellectually, creatively and on the sports field. † (Thomas 341) He says that it is a better venue to learn but he says, â€Å"I was painfully aware of the distorting affect that an all-male institution was having on my own emotional development and that of my classmates. (Thomas 341) He says that some people cannot handle this environment and it will lead to â€Å"disaster† (Thomas 341) In conclusion I would have to agree with Thomas. I am a little biased but women teachers have personally disadvantaged me. I also worked in a pre-school over the summer where the teachers are mostly women. I witnessed this discrimination first hand. I disagree with Rich because I think that today women and men pretty much stand on even ground. I think that there is more discrimination against men then there is against women.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rate of rate of hydrochloric acid and mange essays

Rate of rate of hydrochloric acid and mange essays Rate of rate of hydrochloric acid and mangesium ribbon In the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon, the hydrochloric acid will dissolve the magnesium and produce hydrogen gas. All chemical reactions involve reactants which when mixed may cause a chemical reaction which will make products. In my case the reactants are hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon. The chemical reaction takes place when the magnesium ribbon is dropped into the hydrochloric acid. The products that are formed during this reaction are hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride. The formula equation for this experiment is: Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid (r) Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen ( s ) ( aq ) ( aq ) ( g ) Magnesium will react with hydrochloric acid, because it is higher in the reactivity series that hydrogen. When the two chemicals react a displacement reaction will take place and the magnesium will displace the hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid forming magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. Li (lithium) all to dangerous to react with a strong acid Zn (zinc) these metals will react with hydrochloric acid as they Fe (iron) they are higher in the reactivity series than hydrogen Sn (tin) and so a displacement reaction will take place Hg (mercury) none of these metals will react with hydrochloric Ag (silver) acid as they are all lower in the reactivity series than Al (gold) hydrogen, therefore a displacement reaction will not happen Depending on certain factors the rate that this reaction will take place will either increase or decrease. The factors that may affect the rate of reaction are as follows: Temperature of the Hydrochloric Acid Mass of the magnesium ribbon used Concentration of the Hydrochloric acid Surface area of the magnesium ribbon used All of these factors will change the rate of reaction because of the Collisi...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Naked Economics Essays

Naked Economics Essays Naked Economics Paper Naked Economics Paper Essay Topic: Economics Chapter 1: The Power of Markets 1. What are the two basic assumptions that economists make about individuals and firms? The two basic assumptions that economists make about individuals and firms are that they attempt to maximize their utility using the available resources and that they want to make the most amount of profit possible. 2. What is the role and significance of prices in the market economy? Prices in the market economy are extremely useful because they help gauge what consumers want and how badly they want it. High prices indicate strong consumer desire for that product while low ones indicate little interest. 3. What’s so great about a market economy anyway? A market economy is so good because it corresponds with normal human behavior and allows for optimum allocation of resources. It may not be completely fair, but it is the most stable and best option compared to a communist system. Chapter 2: Incentives Matter 4. Explain how each of the following relates to efficient outcomes in a market economy: adverse selection, â€Å"perverse incentives†, principal-agent problem, and the prisoner’s dilemma. Adverse selection hinders efficient outcomes in a market economy because it involves one party in an economic action having less information than the other, therefore it might agree to buy a certain product or service and pay for more than what it gets (or vice versa if seen from the ignorant seller’s perspective). The avoidance of negative perverse incentives leads governments into better policy making and achieving the desired economic effect and increase in efficiency. If the principal-agent problem is addressed correctly, business managers and employees will strive to improve the product or service and achieve economic growth in the long run because it is beneficial to them, not only the owners. The prisoner’s dilemma will probably lead to an inefficient outcome in which both parties involved will not achieve maximum profit. The only time this isn’t the case is when agreements and communication exist between the parties and they both agree on an action and thanks to that, achieve higher profits. This though is normally prohibited by government in order to prevent monopoly power. Chapter 3: Government and the Economy 5. In your own words, explain what an externality is. An externality is the cost or benefit that the production, selling, use, or even existence of a product or service has positive or negative effects on people that were not involved in the transaction. 6. Besides addressing externalities, what other important and beneficial roles does government play in our market economy? Government tries its best to reach a more equitable income distribution through the use of taxes, provides for public services that would otherwise be produced inefficiently if produced privately, and provides a law system which also prevents monopolization of industries and coalitions between powerful firms to protect consumers from monopoly prices. Chapter 4: Government and the Economy II 7. What are the main reasons why government should only take a limited role in a market economy? Government should only take a limited role in a market economy because if let to function freely, a market economy will achieve considerably efficient outcomes and only need few regulations and assistance with public goods in order to maintain competition and fairness. These functions should be executed with moderation because excessive control and regulation of the market will lead to inefficiency and maybe even market failure.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Geopolitical factors and the possible involvement of the U.S. in the Assignment

Geopolitical factors and the possible involvement of the U.S. in the BSEC region - Assignment Example It would be noted that geopolitical factors commonly entails political issues that arise as a result of geographical factors1. In this sense, the issue of geographic proximity from the existing BSEC member states and for that the Black Sea from the U.S ought to be considered. It will be noted that the existing members include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine, most of who are also members of the European Union2. What this implies is that there are different geographic concerns and needs that these nations have from the United States. As a result, one would wonder if the issue with Romania joining the E.U where there was an increase in disparity will not arise again. As noted by Grama, because of the perceived geographic disadvantage that Romania suffered, most of the interests that could be protected for the country were shifted to the other 4 major CBC programs that Romania was involved in.3 It is therefore importan t for the U.S to consider the issue of how effective it can be with the level of distance that exists between itself and the other member states, and the fact that the other members belong to a different economic block must be considered. There is also the factor of geopolitical factor of equitable distribution of resources within the geographic free zone of the Black Sea and how this will affect the U.S in terms of the size of the country. This is because in comparison to the other countries, the size of U.S. may be far larger than all the other countries; even when they are put together4. This means that there could be a possible problem with equity; from whichever size it is viewed. That is, when resources are shared in the same quantity among member states, the U.S is going to have a proportionally smaller quantum than it requires. On the other hand, when the sharing is done in relation to the sizes of the nations, the others are going to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Increased temperature creates rapid and irreversible changes on both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Terrestrial habitats subjected to a higher temperature become drier and can no longer sustain life. Such loss of habitat affects animals and can be a precursor for extinction of some species. As temperature increases, the habitat ranges of most species shifts. The shift is healthy for these animals as it creates range reduction forcing the animals into less hospitable habitat or increased competition. The change is stressful to the animals. Some species are affected and have nowhere to go because they are forced to reach their upper limit of habitat. Habitat displacement and alteration favors only the animals that can adapt to these changes (UNEP 13). Increased temperatures affect wetland habitats. Wetlands are important habitat for fish and other aquatic animal and also serve as breeding grounds for many waterfowl. Increase in global temperature will mean a permanently drier and warmer future. Such changes will result in increased habitat destruction as the animals will have no place to live or to breed. The arctic habitats are the most affected by increasing temperatures. The ice sheet are melting, and glaciers are reducing. Animals such as the polar bears that live in these habitats are affected. Ocean acidification due to climate change result in bleaching of the coral reefs that are among the habitats with the highest biodiversity (Chen-Tung 312). Habitat destruction and alteration affects wildlife because climate change rapidly changes these ecosystems. Global warming is an example of climate change effects that along with habitat destruction and pollution can result in increased extinction rates of animals and other related species. Climate change affects both the biology and ecology of most animals. It changes the availability of resources necessary for the animals to survive. With the lack of food, water, and space, it is difficult for a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Federal Reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Federal Reserve - Essay Example History, Structure, and Function The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson (Wells 2010). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries credit was controlled entirely by private banks. Farmers in the mid-western regions grew increasingly upset by this fact, as they complained that oftentimes the banks would alter their credit options at times when the farmers were vulnerable. The Federal Reserve was created as a compromise, with the banks still controlling credit, but the government determining the supply of funds (Wells 2010). While the intervening years have seen significant reforms in the way the Federal Reserve operates, its underlining function has remained the same. Private banks are able to borrow from the reserve at a discounted rate, they then loan this money to borrowers at the federal funds rate, or interest rate. As the Federal Reserve raises rates, so must the banks raise the rates of loans. This system is designed to ensure fair and equitable lending througho ut the country. The current chairman of the Federal Reserve, who was recently reappointed in January of 2010, and Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker preceded him (Johnson, Web). Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) The Federal Open Markets Committee is a branch of the Federal Reserve that has the responsibility of regulating the United States’ open market operations. While there are a great variety of committees and functions with the Federal Reserve, this committee perhaps is the most notable as it functions to make essential decisions about interest rates and the general growth of the supply of money within the country (Chandler 1971). These are factors that directly and significantly affect major aspects of the nation’s economy. In these regards, the FOMC is the primary monetary branch of the Unites States. The committee functions in a variety of complex, but well structured ways. In these regards, the committee meets and sets short-term objectives for long-term objec ts within a long-term structure of economic understanding. The short-term objectives work to ensure that the federal funds rate remains constant. In addition to regulating the federal funds rate, the Federal Open Markets Committee oversees operations that the Federal Reserve has overtaken abroad. They accomplish this task in close collaboration with the United States Treasury department. In terms of meeting structure, the FOMC is required by law to meet at least four-times per year, but generally they convene eight times annually (Chandler 1971). During the meetings, open reports are presented by committee members. The committee then works toward reaching a consensus in regards to policy decisions. During this entire process the Manager of the System Open Market Account oversees the policy presentations. What I Learned & My Point of View In research the Federal Reserve there was a great amount of structural and historical information I gained, but perhaps the greatest insights I gai ned were in regards to how the Federal Reserve functioned during the recent economic recession. When the recession hit the Federal Reserve began the process of lowering interests rates to increase consumer spending. At this point, the Fed has virtually lowered the interest rate to 0%. In addition to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Nursing Home Administrator Essay Example for Free

The Nursing Home Administrator Essay The Nursing Home Administrator is the head of operations at a nursing home. The position requires licensure to practice in a state. Individual states have different requirements for licensure but generally people have proof of adequate education, experience, experience of guidance under preceptor. The licensure examination requirements covers basic topics of nursing home administration with Master’s degree or Gerontology. The Administrator manages personnel, processing of admissions, manages finances, and overseeing day to (1). There are moral, educational, and work experience requirements to meet prior to meeting with Board of Examiners of nursing home administrators. The moral character and suitability for licensure is a reflection of the ability for the individual needed to fulfill the responsibilities of nursing home administrator, competency, and ethical values. The educational requirements include a Baccalaureate or higher level of education including supplemental educational credits in education for long-term care, health care, gerontology, and personnel management from an accredited educational program. The selected educational course is to be completed with acceptable grades from an accredited institution. The selected courses are to be completed within a certain period of time to be eligible to take Nursing Home Administrator licensure exam. To meet requirements coursework, a 300 level class or higher, predominantly rich with inpatient, health care, and nursing home as Master’s degree in Health Care Administrator, Health Facility Administrator requiring certain number of hours of field experience or work experience as full-time Administrator of Record in a certain period of time prior to licensure. The work experience requirements include completing a 12 months approved internship. The full-time experience must include predominantly supervisory role for resident care, be a financially compensated position, and completed in a certain period of time. There are alternatives to the credit hours courses in nursing home administration are two or more years within five years as Administration of Record of nursing facility, have a current five years American College of Health Care Administration certification (2). The licensure exam requirements for Nursing Home Administration are completion of the former requirements, a passing score on the exam approved by the Board. The role of a nursing home administrator encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities. People skills and effectively communicating, on various levels, delegating tasks, overseeing residents with the quality of life and social programs available, and being able to multitask can be a rewarding position.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Literature Review on Gender Inequality

Literature Review on Gender Inequality In Scott Sander’s essay, he shares some personal thoughts and experiences throughout his life with various exposures to viewpoints. He talks about how the physical beauty of women affects men. He talks about how important it could be if girls were to walk naked in order to reduce man’s imaginations. He proves this when he says, â€Å"Until that moment, it had never made any difference to me how much or little a girl’s clothing revealed.† Scott explains how both of them, with the friend Norman, they were warned against looking at women with such lust, because their mother were women too and they would not have liked to be stared at like that. At 11, the girl older than he was revealed her body stimulated the author sexually. Sanders defend men arguing that biology and nature plays a role in men’s sexual desires for women. He gives an example of a goat to explain how the desire is biological by stating, â€Å"Billy goats do not fret over how they should look at nanny goats. They look or don’t look, as seasons and hormones dictate.† For a man to secure the survival of his genetic line, he has to successfully, produce children. He blames biology and his DNA for the reason he desires women in a sexual way. The author exploits another avenue, where he questions whether women intrigue men’s desire because they want the men to see and notice them. Women should try to respect themselves before impressing other people with their looks. To defend his claim, Sanders says,† Whatever their motives, these women had chosen to put themselves on display.† According to Sander’s description of physically perfect women used in playboy’s magazine with no imperfections, is not true because not every woman has the perfect descriptions. This theory puts pressure on the other women lacking these qualities, making most of them begin revealing their body part to be noticed. Women therefore should be treated with dignity and not assumed to be sexual objects. However, in the new generation feminism would challenge Sander’s thinking, as most women tend to fight for equity with the men. Women should stop blaming men when they look at them with sexual motives, as the attraction always comes naturally. The natural sexual attraction occurs a lot in men and therefore, they should stop being so judgmental. Men are at the same time required to look at different women differently, given each woman is solely different from another. Therefore, men are not required to judge all the women with same standards. The growth of equity among men and women, challenges Sander’s argument of men using women as objects. Most women have stable and well-paying jobs and therefore do not find need to depend on men for material support. This has led to respect from men to women, because some of the women are their bosses and managers and therefore men have to respect them. Equitable provision of education has made many changes, and led to women being viewed as academicians and intellects and not by their sexuality. Women are concentrating on their jobs and projects and therefore, do not have time to impress men with the way they wear or by revealing their body parts. The women managers would have to wear official cloths that do not expose any part of the body. Competition between men and women over positions in organizations and institutions, has improved some level of respect to the women because they see them as equals. This has helped the women to know their place in the society. Stage 2 The article, Global Issues/Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, the article defines gender equality as a human right permitting women to opportunities such as economic, education and right to make their own decisions. Attainment of gender equality can be fulfilled when women are given enough opportunities to attain the potential, and the international development objectives. The article discusses gender parity in education and claims that the female gender is still given less opportunity as compared to the male ones. This can be proved from the article stating, â€Å"The higher percentage of school drop-outs includes more girls than boys.† The article continues in the discussion of gender equality in terms of economic and political power. The author compares women’s population in the world, almost half the total, with the worth of the wealth they own less than 5 percent. Some injustices done to them include; long working hours for both girls and women, lack of rights to own land or inherit property, in most of the African cultures, reduced rate of promotions to women at work places and underrepresented in making of important decisions in various institutions. A statement from the article, â€Å"Even though political participation of women is important for the achievement of gender quality and true democracy, they are still underrepresented in the legislatures† support this. These factors discussed in the article discover Sander’s discussion on how men use women as objects. (Global Issues/Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment) Another article by Tamara Cohen, â€Å"Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer intelligent women to beauty† shows the evolution of the current man from being interested in the physical attractions such as curvy figure, to preferring intelligent women. The author states by saying, â€Å"When a man steals an admiring gaze at a woman, then he has been notified of the woman’s intelligence.† The article states that previously men preferred curvy women meaning they had to be fertile to give him a family, other factors that men considered include women with wifely skills such as being good in cooking. The western societies has given opportunity to women, making both genders to be equal, this has led to women choosing their in terms of appearance and not material as it used to be. The author supports these arguments by stating, â€Å"Women are less concerned with men’s health as most of them are stable financially, and therefore the only they look in man is his looks.† (Cohen, 2012) The last article in this discussion is Ian Brown’s â€Å"Why men cant and shouldnt stop staring at women.† Similar to Sanders, Billy also provides a personal life experience, where he met a girl on a bicycle wearing a miniskirt on his way to work. Even though Billy acknowledges that the girl is young enough to be her daughter, he explains how the body of this girl and her intention to wear the miniskirt and her youth triggered his interest. He explains, â€Å"My first sight of her felt like a light blow to the chest.† The author reveals men secret of feeling guilty when they see something they like but fails to act immediately. He felt guilty for failing to tell her how he felt, even though he was married and had a daughter the age of this girl. The author wonders why the act of men watching girls was posed as a bad reputation, while all the girls he interacted with told him they had no problem even if their partners observed girls passing by. He tells of a 26-year old woman about the matter and gives him this answer, â€Å"Just looking, I dont think it is offensive. But I think i ts offensive if there are comments.† (Brown, 2012). Stage 3 Both stage 1 and 2 have discussed factors that lead to how men look at women. Sanders talks about how the physical beauty of women affect men how they look at them. He shares his personal life experiences from when he was 11 years old and could still be stimulated sexually by a girl older than he was. However, the articles, â€Å"Global Issues/Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment† and â€Å"Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer women with brains rather than beauty†, prove how facts have changed and the women have been empowered and realized their rights and position in the society, and therefore improve the respect from men. Men should respect women, and stop treating them as objects. When a man sees a woman, he should see something else in her and not sexuality. Women should cease from dressing in an exposing manner, for the men to notice them. They should observe moral and ethics in dressing. Works Cited Brown, I. (2012, March 23). Why men cant and shouldnt stop staring at women. THE GLOBE AND MAIL, pp. 1-3. Cohen, T. (2012, September 9). Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer women with brains rather than beauty. Mail Online, pp. 1-2. Global Issues/Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment. (n.d.). Peace Corps.